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In a service organization, the organization must first meet the physical needs of the people it is serving, such as by providing food, health care, and shelter. It can then provide for their higher needs, such as feeling empowered to seek their legal rights.

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14y ago

I'd say that it applies at both ends of the spectrum.

At the bottom of his hierarchy of needs, Maslow says that shelter is a basal need and that without it a person cannot think of fulfilling higher needs. For those without housing, in the western or developing world, this need is paramount and poignant need: homeless people will put a great deal of effort on a daily basis into securing housing - for example in a cardboard box or shanty town.

On the other end of the spectrum, Maslow says that at the top of the hierarchy of needs is 'self actualisation' - the ability to achieve all that one can to reflect or express one's personality or capabilities. And so people that have met all of their lower needs, and live in comparative security, might employ an architect to design accommodation that meets the needs of personal expression: e.g. the enjoyment of audiovisual or culinary treats or the expression of artistic tastes in complex, aesthetic or expensive designs to express themselves.

I hope this helps a little, Bill

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