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Then they all curl up and die.

PC for life.. JK

MAC IS BETTER THAN PCPC's have the blue/black screen of death, viruses, so on..

Mac's none of that.. just the good stuff

SUCK THAT PC MAKERS AND PC LOVERSget a mac.. go to heaven
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Q: Have computer gotten more powerful and expensive as they have gotten smaller?
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How can you stop the Hacker?

If a hacker has gotten into your computer once, they will get in again. If you are unable to track down any programs that they left behind, you should seek professional help. As a last resort, backing up your important data and reformatting your computer will guarantee removal of these programs. Remember to always use strong passwords and to be suspicious of any programs you download from the internet.

Use the word TRUSTY in a sentence?

My trusty hunting knife has gotten me out of a few tight spots while camping.

Precisely timed electrical beats or impulses that indicate the speed of processing or power of a computer system are called?

well to measure what the proccesor does, its measured in Hertz or Hz, but now a days since technology has gotten faster, a term that is used to indicate higher units are in mega Hz or Giga Hz. each processor varies (well of course) and not all processors are compatible with every mother board. (just to throw that out there)

What factor has enabled people across the world to get closer in many ways?

technology available today, the world has gotten closer in many ways

What are the differences between digital and analog computer?

Digital Computers works on digits like-0 and 1 .Analog Computers works in continuous variable .Input source for these computer should be Analogu. example thermometer,speedometer, ammeter.They are mainly used in scientific,research field and medical fieldAnalog computers (there are still some out there) use linear combinations of voltage amplitude (or currents or frequencies or phases) from the inputs to determine the required output sequence; digital computers use two-state variables that are either "on" or "off" (true or false, 1 or 0, yes or no) as logical building blocks to derive a digital output sequence from the digitized input. Digital signals may also be converted to analog, and vice versa, so you could have a series of a/d converters, a digital computer, and d/a converters to simulate an analog computer, or a communication channel, as in digital telephones.Answer--The difference between an analog and digitial computer is the type of data they process. Analog computers process measured data. A speedometer in your car is a common type of analog device. A digital computer processed descrete data (digits). In this case 0 and 1. Digital computers are most common. PC's, MAC's are digital computers. A big difference is an analog computer's output can vary even if the input is identical. A digital computer can be very precise. For instance, a gas pump might tell you that you pumped in 5 gallons of gas but you could have gotten 4.99 gallons or 5.01 gallons. If you asked a digital computer to add 5 and 6 together, you will always get 11. By the way. A gas pump is actually a hybrid computer. Although it processes measured data, that is how much fluid has passed through the gas hose, the data displayed to you, the amount of gas and how much you owe is in a digital format. An Analog computer uses continuous variables for mathematical operations and utilizes mechanical or electrical energy.The difference between an analog and digitial computer is the type of data they process. Analog computers process measured data. A speedometer in your car is a common type of analog device. A digital computer processed descrete data (digits). In this case 0 and 1. Digital computers are most common. PC's, MAC's are digital computers. A big difference is an analog computer's output can vary even if the input is identical. A digital computer can be very precise. For instance, a gas pump might tell you that you pumped in 5 gallons of gas but you could have gotten 4.99 gallons or 5.01 gallons. If you asked a digital computer to add 5 and 6 together, you will always get 11. By the way. A gas pump is actually a hybrid computer. Although it processes measured data, that is how much fluid has passed through the gas hose, the data displayed to you, the amount of gas and how much you owe is in a digital format.An Analog computer uses continuous variables for mathematical operations and utilizes mechanical or electrical energy.Analog computers, also called continuous computers, calculate smoothly changing variables using direct analog representations of those variables (e.g. 1V per 1000 gallons of water).Digital computers jump suddenly at intervals from one coded value of a variable to another. Most modern digital computers use binary codes to represent these values: whether the values are integer numbers, real numbers, symbolic characters, etc. The exact binary representation of each data type is coded differently. Values between defined codes for a given type cannot be represented on a digital computer.

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Have computers changed in the last five years?

they have gotten faster and more powerful. smaller. cheaper and things like that

What are the differences between a small and large computer?

In today's world the main differences between a small computer and a large computer is the size. Due to increases in technology computers have gotten smaller and faster over the years. Generally a smaller computer will be newer and will probably function better than an older larger computer.

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They have gotten smaller and more tame

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it didn't

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Aral Sea

How big has the computer gotten?

less than human brain

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It has gotten smaller since 2006.

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they have gotten significantly smaller over time, in comparison to thier pre-historic ancestors.

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Your intervertebral disks have not gotten smaller.

Name something specific at the movie theatre that's gotten expensive?

candy popcorn soda tickets

What are the uses of the first computer?

well without the internet how would you of gotten on the computer and asked that. see what im saying here