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Q: Global variable conflict is at compile time or run time?
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Is declaration of variables allocated memory?

Constants, static variables and global variables are allocated in the program's data segment at compile time. Local variables are allocated on the stack at runtime. Variables cannot be allocated on the heap, you must use a constant, static variable, global variable or local variable to store the start address of a dynamic memory allocation. The variable must be a raw pointer or a reference handle (a smart pointer).

How do you initiate variable at compile and run time?

2 4 6 8 1o 12 14 16

What makes a variable a global variable?

a variable that is defined within a block is considered to have local scope, i.e., it is only visible to the block that contains it. Its lifetime is also limited unless it is marked as a 'static' variable, in which case it will exist for the entire length of program execution.

What is global variable in C programming?

A global variable is a variable that is declared at global scope, rather than file, namespace, function, class or nested scope. Global variables are usually declared with external linkage within a header and initialised in one (and only one) source file. Any file that includes the header (which includes the source file that initialised the global variable) then has unrestricted access to the variable. It is globally visible and any code can alter it. Global variables should be used sparingly and only when absolutely necessary. If the vast majority of the functions in your program require access to a particular variable, then a global variable makes perfect sense and is by far the simplest solution. However, a variable that is only used by a handful of functions can hardly be described as a global entity, thus it has no place within the global namespace and should be scoped to those functions that actually require it instead.

What is compile time?

Compile Time: In longer form, you might say, "at the time of compiling", or, "when the program is compiled". When you compile a program, the compiler applies various processes to your source code in order to generate the executable files. These are actions that happen "at compile time". Other actions happen when you actually run the finished program. These actions are said to occur, at, or in, "run time".

Related questions

Is declaration of variables allocated memory?

Constants, static variables and global variables are allocated in the program's data segment at compile time. Local variables are allocated on the stack at runtime. Variables cannot be allocated on the heap, you must use a constant, static variable, global variable or local variable to store the start address of a dynamic memory allocation. The variable must be a raw pointer or a reference handle (a smart pointer).

How size-of variable is used in c?

The Sizeof () operator only works at compile time and doesn't evaluate anything at run time.

How do you initiate variable at compile and run time?

2 4 6 8 1o 12 14 16

At what time the memory is allocated for variable in c and c?

Static memory allocation occurs at compile time where as dynamic memory allocation occurs at run time.

Is overriding done at compile time or run time?

compile time

Different between local and global?

The scope or the life span. The life span is from the birth (allocation) to death (deallocation). The life span of a global variable starts when the application is invoked. It dies when the application terminated. During the execution of the application , this global variable is available to any program unit within that application. The life span of a local variable, well, only locally. "Local" means a component, a method (subroutine), or even within a bracket ({} or BEGIN-END) of a statement. Outside of that block of codes, that local variable does not exist, hence cannot be accessed or referenced. Also, the same name of that local variable may be declared again in another local area without conflict, nor memory of the previous one. For languages similar to C: for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { // i can be referenced within { }, and within the for() control itself } for (int i = -1; i > -200; i--) { // this i is different from the i in the previous for-loop } Some computer language would allow you to declare a local variable with the same name as the global one (for example, there are global::X and local::X, but the code only refer as X). Most of the computer language would replace X with local::X at compile time, some would replace it with global::X) Some languages may not have the notion of local variables, everything is global, and some would not have the notion of global variable, but would provide a mean to act like one.

What makes a variable a global variable?

a variable that is defined within a block is considered to have local scope, i.e., it is only visible to the block that contains it. Its lifetime is also limited unless it is marked as a 'static' variable, in which case it will exist for the entire length of program execution.

What is a pointer in computer language?

A pointer is a variable whose value is the address to another variable. Pointers are most commonly used to dynamically allocate memory off of the heap instead of defining all of your variables at compile-time.

Scope of static variables?

Scope of static variable is with in the file if it is static global. Scope of static variable is with in the function if variable is declared local to a function. But the life time is throughout the program

Difference between statically typed language and dynamically typed language?

Statically typed languages check type of variable at Compile time vs Dynamically typed language check type at run time

What is compile time and run time?

Compile time is when the compiler translates your source code into computer language. Run time is when the actual program runs.

Define compile time polymorphism with short examples?

compiler can decide which form of the object should be invoked during compile time.this type of polymorphism is know as compile time polymorphism