

Best Answer
  • A. Using a removable hard drive to transport data from one desktop to another off-site desktop.
  • B. Using a thumb drive to transport data from one desktop at work to another desktop at work.
  • C. Using a CD to transport data from a desktop at work to a home laptop.
  • D. All of the Above (Correct!)
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Q: Following situations must data at rest be encrypted?
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Why data transmission must be encrypted?

Data can be pulled out of the air when you send your friend an email over a wireless internet system and it can be pulled off of a cable when it is sent or someone could break into your computer and steal all your data and you would not even know it was if someone doesn't want someone else to read there messages or data they encryt it.

Which type of protocol is useful when data must be transferred fast?

connectionless protocols. A connection less protocol's lack of sophistication makes it more efficient than a connection-oriented protocol and renders it useful in situations in which data must be transferred quickly

What can be used for data archival purposes but must be accessed squentially?

A sequential file -- where new data is always appended to the sequence.

Which operator can be used in some situations to simplify nested selection structures?

The ternary conditional operator: x = a ? b : c; This is the literal equivalent of the following if statement: if (a) { x = b; } else { x = c; } Note that a, b and c are all expressions (or compound expressions). Expression a must be a Boolean expression (evaluating true or false) while expressions b and c must be implicitly convertible to x's data type. A real-world example: // Return the larger of any two integers int max (int a, int b) { return a>b ? a : b; }

What types of data must handled and stored properly based on classification markings and handling caveats?

Classified information data must be handled and stored properly based on classification markings and handling caveats.

Related questions

What must be done while sending PII or other sensitive information over a computer?

Make sure the connection being used to send the sensitive infoformation is secured. This can be done probably in several ways. The most common is to have the connection be encrypted. When data is encrypted only the intended computer can un encrypt the data and read it.

How secure is my data if I use a wireless service?

The data is well secured when using wireless service. But before transferring the data it must be encrypted for its security. Sometimes there may be data packet loss.

What is classified data that is sent to an unclassified network called?

The classified data, sent over an unclassified network, must be securely encrypted.

A folder must be on what file system to be encrypted using EFS?

A folder must be on NTFS to be encrypted using EFS.

What is scope of model?

hello i discovered answer: Assessing the scope of a model, that is, determining what situations the model is applicable to, can be less straightforward. If the model was constructed based on a set of data, one must determine for which systems or situations the known data is a "typical" set of data.

What are the advantage and disadvantage of security in computer network?

First the advantages. A secure network has much less likelihood of unauthorized access which could result in corrupted data, stolen data, or malicious damage to a database. Some form of encryption is usually used to make data unreadable even if it is stolen. The chief disadvantage is slowdown of the system. Encrypted data must be un-encrypted, users have to be verified, some IP addresses have to be blocked, etc.

Classified data must be handled and stored properly based on classification and what else?

Classified data must be handled and stored properly based on classification markings and handling caveats.

When you most an encrypted file from one computer to a second computer what must you do first before you can open the encrypted file on the second computer?


When you move an encrypted file from one computer to a second computer what must you do first before you can open the encrypted file on the second computer?


What devices must be encrypted on removable storage devices?

A memory stick

For data that is Unclassified but not approved for public release DoD policy mandates that the data must be encrypted. Which devices must be encrypted?

Any device which contains data not approved for public release and is portable is subject to the DoD "Data at Rest" policy. The stored data must be encrypted on: Laptop computers Notebooks Cell phones BlackBerrys, Treos, Palm Pilots, smart phones and other functionally similar devices PDAs External hard drives CDs DVDs Floppy Disks (yeah - some people still use them) Thumb drives Flash cards Any other removable media For more details, Google the phrase "DoD data at rest" and check out some of the links to find the memo that details the requirements. I'd post the address of some good sites, but that would get this post flagged.

Which of the following do NOT create or receive PHI?

Unclassified data must be maarked as such if stored in a classified area