In segmentation, the address space is typically divided into a preset number of segments like data segment (read/write), code segment(read-only), stack(read/write) etc. And the programs are divided into these segments accordingly. Logical addresses are represented as tuple <segment, offset>.
While with paging, the address space is divided into a sequence of fixed size units called "pages". And logical addresses take the form of a tuple <page, offset>.
Each of these techniques offer several benefits e.g., segmentation offers better security since the segments are pre-defined and we can avoid spurious reads/writes at the time of address translations etc.
On the other hand, paging helps reduce fragmentation and ensures better memory management.
So, most modern operating systems employ a combination of both these techniques for their memory management.
what a wicked page, really helpfull Difference between pre-tensioned and post-tensioned?
You cannot. The conversion goes this way: segment+offset -> [segment-table] -> linear_address -> [page-table] -> physical_address PS: In most cases there is only one (4GB long) segment (or one code-segment and one data-segment), so offset is quite the same as linear address
Right in this moment you are reading a web-page.
The space between a page's content and the edge of the page is called "margin" in printing, as well as web design.
the print command gives an order to the computer to print a page but the print preview gives us a preview of the way in which it has to be printed
difference between home page and effective home page
A web page is just one page, a web site is a collection of pages. Much like the difference between a page and a book.
A person in need and a ............................ Why are you readig tis? =)
an automatic page break is a generated page break that automatically puts a new page onto the document.
DHTML combines HTML, JavaScript, the HTML DOM, and CSS.
what a wicked page, really helpfull Difference between pre-tensioned and post-tensioned?
There is one basic difference between a footnote and an endnote: where it is placed. A footnote is at the bottom of a page and an endnote is at the end of a document.
the difference between a iphone 4 and iphone 5 is that the back is made out of aluminium and it has 5 row of apps on a page
Paging is a virtual memory scheme which is transparent to the program at the application level and which divides memory into fixed-size blocks, such as 4 KBytes. The segmentation memory management scheme imposes a greater book-keeping burden on the application, and refers to memory using segments of variable size. segmentation is a logical unit visible to the user's program and id of arbitary size whereas paging is a physical unit invisible to the user's view and is of fixed size
The page header repeats on every page. The report header is just on the first page.
briefly explain the home page