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To explain an object oriented programming with real time examples, try using a packet of sweetener. A packet of sugar has a rectangular shape, made of paper, inked wording and contains something sweet. The same can be said for a packet of Splenda. They both have properties inherited from the abstract packet.

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11y ago

c++ and java

Object-Orientation(OO) is a programming paradigm, as such naming languages that support it doesn't necessarily exemplify what it actually is.

As i have already mentioned OO is a programming paradigm in which you join relevant data and relevant data modifiers in object instances to abstract and encapsulate the data or methods to work with the data. What that basically means is that you create a class, you define some members (or data that is stored in the class), and you write methods that interact with that data. An instance of that class is called an object.

There are many languages that support this paradigm, C++ is probably not the best of examples for this, as it is an extended version of C that supports OO (don't read that it's not a great language, just not the best IMHO, to exemplify what OO actually is). Java is a popular language that is fully OO, in other words it doesn't allow you to do non OO development. Ruby is another really good example of an OO language, everything in ruby is an object that can be acted on, strings, arrays, objects and methods.

OO is not the answer for every programming situation, like everything it has its uses; really anywhere where an abstract notion of data is required, OO is typically the right solution. And so for example game engines is such a place (IdTech, Unreal, Source) (and by extension games written on top of these engines (Rage, UT, Half Life)), modeling software (Blender, Maya), compilers (GCC, Microsoft Compiler), realtional database management systems (PHP PDO, Java Hibernate, Ruby MySQL gem), computer vision systems (OpenCV), distributed data storage systems (Hadoop), various frameworks (Ruby on Rails, Metasploit) and many, many others.

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15y ago

The main advantages of OOP are:

* simplicity: software objects model real world objects, so the complexity is reduced and the program structure is very clear; * modularity: each object forms a separate entity whose internal workings are decoupled from other parts of the system; * modifiability: it is easy to make minor changes in the data representation or the procedures in an OO program. Changes inside a class do not affect any other part of a program, since the only public interface that the external world has to a class is through the use of methods; * extensibility: adding new features or responding to changing operating environments can be solved by introducing a few new objects and modifying some existing ones; * maintainability: objects can be maintained separately, making locating and fixing problems easier; * re-usability: objects can be reused in different programs.

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8y ago

Scratch is an example of an object-oriented programming language. You can use it for free at

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15y ago

Some object oriented programming languages are: * C++ * Java * Smalltalk * etc

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12y ago

Java, Python, Visual FoxPro, C++, C#, Visual Basic .NET, ... Actually, most modern languages at least give you the option of object-oriented programmin.

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Explain the following tearm in the context of object oriented programming Also explain how these concept are implement in c by given an example program for each?

Explain the following terms in the context of object oriented programming. Also explain how these concepts are implemented in C++ by giving an example program for each.

Is vbnet a SOA programming language or Object Oriented Programming Language?

Visual Basic is an Object oriented programing language, like C++. A good example of an SOA program language is C#. can you explain with reasons........? i agree with you .... I want to confirm the reason why it is so ...

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Can abstraction encapsulation be achieved in C program if yes explain?

abstraction and encapsulation is one of the concepts of OOPs and C is not an OOP [Object Oriented Programming language] obviously abst & encap will not be supported by 'C' Abstraction & encapsulation is a concept of OOP [Object Oriented Programming] But, 'C' is not an OOP whereas it is a POP [Procedure oriented programming], so obviously 'C' does not support abstraction and encapsulation Answer Encapsulation is not inherently supported but it can be emulated in C. The use of static and extern keywords for functions are almost equivalent to your private and public keywords in java (encapsulation). Read up more on those keywords.. Structures become an object's attributes while functions accepting pointers the the said struct become its methods.

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