class Chicken {
~Chicken( )
{ }
virtual void
call( ) = 0;
class Rooster : public Chicken {
call( )
{ cout << "cocka-doodle-doo" << endl; }
class Hen : public Chicken {
call( )
{ cout << "cluck cluck" << endl; }
class Chick : public Chicken {
call( )
{ cout << "peep peep" << end; }
Rayon, Nylon, banlon, chicken nuggets
Private members are not inherited from the parent class.
false sealed classes cannot be inherited
the chicken and the cockerels have to breed in order to lay eggs they would have genes with inherited characteristics. they would also have some environmental characteristics like weight if you'd feed them too much.
Yes - in Java, every class has this method, which is inherited from the Object class. Often, the inherited method does nothing particularly useful, but you can override it with your own implementation.
Sickle cell anemia and some nerve and brain disorders are examples of inherited diseases. These inherited diseases pass from parent to child via chromosomal exchange.
genetic and environmental variation
a chicken wing
the example of inherited traits are mostly you can see the anatomical like skin colour, eye colour, height, hair pattern etc.
Eating, seeing, touching
in the wild or in chicken coops
Chili con carne, beef stew, and seafood paella are examples of one dish meals. chili crab,chicken stew,curry chicken are examples of one dish meals
inherited traits
eye colour, skin colour, lobe or lobeless ears and hair colour.