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Horizontal search engines are general-purpose search engines such as Google and Yahoo. Vertical search engines, meanwhile, are specialized by content such as Trulia, Mocavo and Yelp.

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Q: Examples of both 'horizontal' search engines and Vertical' search engines?
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Meta search engines combine results from different search engines. Some examples of this are and

What Google and Yahoo are examples of?

Internet search engines.

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Some examples of search engines are:GoogleYahooBing

Explain the differences between search engines and meta search engines?

Search engines have a system of algorithms that works on crawling the information written in the body of the HTML. Meta search engines have a system of algorithms that crawls the meta tags, meta title and meta description of the HTML Examples for meta search engines are , , Examples for search engines are , ,, You also have meta-search engines for a number of specialist subjects such as which is a job search engine.

A search engine that allows you to search several search engines simultlaneously is called a?

That is not exactly true. A "meta search engine" pays importance only to the meta tags and meta discriptions of the HTML code. A search engine that searches many search engines is a mashed search engine, because it mashes the api of dfferent search engines. Examples for meta search engines are: or (very old) Examples for mashed search engines are: or

What are some exsamples of search engines?

Search engines basically a program that receives your search request, compares it to the entries in the index, and returns results to you. There are many types of search engines defined in different groups according to their works. Here are the some examples of search engines

Examples of search engines?

Google is the most popular search engine on the internet, followed by Yahoo. Other search engines include Bing, AOL search, AltaVista, Excite and Emlsearch

Where can I search for examples of 'math trivia'?

You may search many search engines: * Google * Yahoo! and any more.

What do vertical mean?

You could always use and search the word, but in a nut shell, it's the direction of up/down. This line is vertical: | This line is horizontal: ___

What are the examples of a search engines of a computer?

I can't understand your question properly.Search engines of a computer means?I can share the names of few search engines-Google,Alta vista,Yahoo search,MSN,Alexa,AOL search,AllTheWeb etc.