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example of procedural programming are those programming language that have structure e.g basic,fortran,c++,c and pascal e.t.c

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Q: Example of procedural programming language and object oriented programming language?
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What is procedure language?

AnswerA procedural language is a programming language in which everything is processed in the order it appears to the computer.In contrast, an object-oriented language is a language in which everything is processed depending on what happens in the program -- user input, errors, or other events.PHP is both a procedural and object-oriented language, depending on the way it is used.

Is vbnet a SOA programming language or Object Oriented Programming Language?

Visual Basic is an Object oriented programing language, like C++. A good example of an SOA program language is C#. can you explain with reasons........? i agree with you .... I want to confirm the reason why it is so ...

What are examples of Object Oriented programming language?

Machine code, assembly language and C are all non-object oriented programming languages. Fortran, COBOL, Pascal and BASIC were originally non-object oriented languages but there are now object-oriented variants of these languages. C++, C# and Java were all designed with object-oriented programming in mind from the outset.

Give an example of a procedural programming?

Popular one is C.

Why java is called purely object oriented language?

Java is called a "pure" object-oriented language because it requires that all code written in it be wrapped in objects. This differs from the more common meaning of "pure" object-oriented (everything is an object) in that Java has primitive types and primitive operations on them - int, char, double, float, long and addition, subtraction, multiplication, division. A real example of a PURE object-oriented language is Smalltalk, one of Java's predecessors.

Related questions

Is java example of a procedural programming language?

No.Its purely object oriented programming language

What is the difference between program language and procedural language?

programming language is of two type 1. procedural programming language 2.non procrdural programming language .. ----non procedural programming language means that which relates with the real world.. for example-oops oops is a non procedural programming language because it relates to the object and object relate to the natural or real world where as that languge which does not belong to the real world is known as procedural language

What is procedure language?

AnswerA procedural language is a programming language in which everything is processed in the order it appears to the computer.In contrast, an object-oriented language is a language in which everything is processed depending on what happens in the program -- user input, errors, or other events.PHP is both a procedural and object-oriented language, depending on the way it is used.

Is vbnet a SOA programming language or Object Oriented Programming Language?

Visual Basic is an Object oriented programing language, like C++. A good example of an SOA program language is C#. can you explain with reasons........? i agree with you .... I want to confirm the reason why it is so ...

What are examples of Object Oriented programming language?

Machine code, assembly language and C are all non-object oriented programming languages. Fortran, COBOL, Pascal and BASIC were originally non-object oriented languages but there are now object-oriented variants of these languages. C++, C# and Java were all designed with object-oriented programming in mind from the outset.

Give an example of a procedural programming?

Popular one is C.

Why java is called purely object oriented language?

Java is called a "pure" object-oriented language because it requires that all code written in it be wrapped in objects. This differs from the more common meaning of "pure" object-oriented (everything is an object) in that Java has primitive types and primitive operations on them - int, char, double, float, long and addition, subtraction, multiplication, division. A real example of a PURE object-oriented language is Smalltalk, one of Java's predecessors.

What is difference between structural language and object oriented language?

I think there is no any difference between object oriented programming language. Because somebody have written that vb is object based language because there is no inheritance, but javascript has no classes and no inheritance but javascript is also object oriented scripting language and java is also object oriented language vb has no inheritance but classes is.So vb is object based language This is not clear that difference between object oriented and object based. if i am wrong than what should be your answer and if i am wright than no problem But first i am requesting to the developer of any programming language that please define the difference between object oriented and object based languages. Amit Sinha Dist-Gaya State-Bihar

What is the difference between structure oriented and object oriented programming language?

the main difference is that structured programming deals with the flow of execution, and not, primarily, with the data. The mathematical basis for structured programming has to do with the elimination of arbitrary jumps (GOTOs) in favor of code blocks and functions. In particular, "information hiding" as it relates to data isn't fully developed in structured programming; structured programming has to do with the organization of the code, rather than the data, and pure structured programming passes data around in the form of function arguments (conceptually, "on the stack"). In contrast, object oriented programming primarily deals with data issues. The object/class paradigm promotes clean, flexible organization of data in the same way that structured programming promotes clean, flexible organization of code. In a pure object oriented approach, the flow of program execution is treated as bits of behavior associated with the packets of data that are "objects".

What is the difference between Procedural programming and Markup?

The way I understand it Markup Language is used for adding extra features, like structure or presentation of the text, objects etc.Programming language is used for creating programs.Basically in the example of the car, markup languagewould be the tools used to create the body and design, and programming language - the tools used to build an engine.

Why COM is programming language?

What do you mean by 'COM'? COMMAND.COM, for example, isn't a programming language.

Which is an example of a PLSQL subprogram?

A PL/SQL subprogram is equivalent to a procedure or function in conventional procedural programming.