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The result of crossing over is genetic diversity. More specifically, it is a hybrid chromosome with a unique pattern of genetic material. Does this answer help?

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Q: During meiosis crossing-over gene exchange between chromosomes may occur Crossing-over usually results in?
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Why crossing over takes place?

Occurs during prophase I of meiosis (pachytene) in a process called synapsis. Crossover usually occurs when matching regions on matchingchromosomes break and then reconnect to the other chromosome. The value of crossing over is that each parent has a different daughter cell.

What are the strands of genetic material floating in a nucleus of a animal cell?

Strands of genetic material floating in the nucleus is chromatin. Cytoplasm is the part of the cell that is between the cell membrane and the nucleus.

How is genetics material combined between two parents?

During sexual reproduction male and female gametes are formed in the respective reproductive organs. The gametes are haploid having half the number of chromosomes found in the parent body cells. These chromosomes have the genetic material in the form of DNA. When a male gamete unites with a female gamete during fertilization, the chromosomes in the zygote get doubled. The homologous chromosomes get paired at the time of meiosis in these offsprings and get combined by crossing over.

Genetic exchange between two arms of a chromosome pair is more likely to occur if the distance between the genes is great It is called?

crossing over

What are small elements of genetic material found in some bacteria called?

Bacteria have chromosomes that are not located within a nucleus (they don't have a nucleus). Chromosomes are normally found associated together in an area of the cell. Bacteria also have small circles of DNA called plasmids, these can sometimes be transferred between cells

Related questions

What is the exchange of genes between homologous pairs of chromosomes?

The exchange of genes between homologous pairs of chromosomes is called genetic recombination. This process occurs during meiosis, where corresponding segments of DNA are exchanged between maternal and paternal chromosomes, increasing genetic variation in offspring.

What trem describes the exchange of genetic material between members of a homologous pair of chromosomes?

Crossing over is the term that describes the exchange of genetic material between members of a homologous pair of chromosomes during meiosis. This process increases genetic diversity by reshuffling alleles between homologous chromosomes.

What process results in an exchange of genes between homologons chromosomes?

Crossing Over

Crossing-over is the exchange of reciprocal segments of DNA between homologous chromosomes true or false?

True. Crossing-over occurs during meiosis when homologous chromosomes exchange segments of DNA, resulting in genetic recombination and increasing genetic diversity in offspring.

What is transfer of genes between nonhomologous chromosomes?

Transfer of genes between nonhomologous chromosomes is known as chromosomal translocation. It can result in the fusion of two chromosomes or the exchange of genetic material between them. This process can lead to genetic abnormalities and diseases.

Chromosomes exchange genetic information through the process of what?

Chromosomes exchange genetic information through the process of genetic recombination, specifically during meiosis. This process involves the exchange of genetic material between homologous chromosomes, resulting in genetic variation among offspring.

What happens chromosomes undergo crossing-over?

During meiosis, permutation.

What is the exchange of DNA between homologous chromosomes during pro phase of meiosis?

Crossing over or chromosomal crossover.

What is the exchange of a corresponding segment between homologous chromosomes?

The exchange of a corresponding segment between homologous chromosomes is known as genetic recombination or crossing over. This process occurs during meiosis and results in the exchange of genetic material, contributing to genetic diversity among offspring.

What is the mechanism that breaks the linkage between linked genes?

The process of recombination during meiosis breaks the linkage between linked genes. This occurs when homologous chromosomes exchange genetic material, resulting in the shuffling of alleles between chromosomes, thereby breaking the linkage between the genes located on those chromosomes.

What term is applied to the exchange of parts that may occur between pairs of chromosomes in the early stages of meiosis?

This process is known as crossing over. Crossing over involves the exchange of genetic material between homologous chromosomes during meiosis, resulting in genetic variation among offspring.

What exchange of genetic material between arms of homologous chromosomes?

The exchange of genetic material between arms of homologous chromosomes is called genetic recombination or crossing over. This process occurs during meiosis, specifically during prophase I, and leads to the creation of new combinations of genes in offspring.