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Virus contains both DNA and RNA

some viruses contain RNA as their geneti information and are called retroviruses.when retroviruses infect a cell, they produce a DNA copy of their RNA.

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10y ago
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2mo ago

The genetic material of a virus can contain either DNA or RNA, but not both. This material encodes the information necessary for the virus to replicate and produce new viral particles inside a host cell.

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13y ago

The viruses can have both DNA and RNA as their genetic material. Viruses are infact classified into five major groups based on their genetic material.

Group I: Double stranded DNA viruses

eg. Varicella Zoster virus (Chiken pox virus), Adeno virus, lambda phage

Group II: Single stranded DNA viruses

eg. Parvo virus

Group III: Double stranded RNA viruses

eg. Reo virus

Group IV: Single stranded RNA viruses.

They are further classified as

+ sense single strand RNA virus. eg. Chandipura virus, Rabies virus, Measeles virus etc

- sense single strand RNA virus. eg. Chikungunya virus, Semliki Forest virus etc

Group V: Retro viruses

They have DNA as their genetic material. eg. HIV

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15y ago

Viruses do not contain genetic material, just a nucleus.

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13y ago

Viruses are made of two basic parts, a protein coat to protect the virus and an inner core made of genetic material.

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12y ago

Yes virus have genetic material in form of DNA and RNA

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What genetic material is in both viruses and bacteria?

Both viruses and bacteria contain genetic material in the form of DNA or RNA. Viruses can have either DNA or RNA as their genetic material, while bacteria typically have DNA as their genetic material.

What are the similarities of viruses and prokaryotes?

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Do viruses need to contain genetic material?

They need either DNA or RNA.

Does Virus contain both DNA and RNA?

Viruses can contain either DNA or RNA, but not both. DNA viruses have genetic material made of DNA, while RNA viruses have genetic material made of RNA. Some viruses have single-stranded genetic material, while others have double-stranded genetic material.

Viruses contains what?

Viruses contain an inner nucleic acid core (genetic material) and an outer protein coat (capsid).

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The two types of genetic material found in viruses are DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) and RNA (ribonucleic acid). DNA viruses contain genetic material in the form of double-stranded DNA, while RNA viruses contain genetic material in the form of single-stranded RNA.

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Viruses do not contain DNA or RNA . . . they 'steal' those molecules from their host living cell.

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They contain genetic material. Although virus' contain genetic material, they can not reproduce without being inside of a host cell. Many scientists question if they can be considered living or not, as this is the only life function they are capable of performing.

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All viruses contain genetic material (DNA or RNA) and a protein coat (capsid) that surrounds and protects the genetic material. Some viruses also have an outer lipid envelope that is derived from the host cell membrane.

What are viruses genetic materia?

Viruses contain either DNA or RNA.