

Best Answer

oh yea baby they help you inside and out oh yeah

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Q: Does laptops help learning in school?
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Should kids have laptops in school?

Children having laptops in school raises different opinions about whether it is right or not. With the technology today, laptops help children do their assignments.

What is the ict tchnician password for laromaine school Lenovo laptops?

If it were any of your business what it was, you would already know. We're not going to help you hack your school's laptops.

Why do you have homwork?

to help your school learning

How do laptops help?

Laptops help you because they are portable and it is wireless

How does learning music help you at school?

That is a great question. Yes it does.

Why should laptops from school be taken home?

i think that they should becouse it will help the students learn responsibitty

Is a learning center right for my child?

No you child is not to young to go to a learning center. Most learning centers are for children of all agers to help them in school.

Can smart boards hook up with laptops?

Yes , laptops can be connected with smart boards , they do it at my school , honestly i dont know how but i know its possible , sorry if this doesnt help , i hope you solve your problems

How many schools use laptops?

A school can have any amount of laptops and maybe if you are a laptop helper at a school you could count them.

What books are availble for seniors learning to use a laptop?

There are a number of good books available for seniors learning to use a laptop. One can purchase 'Laptops for Dummies' from Amazon as well as 'Laptops for Seniors In Easy Steps'.

Where can you play halo at school?

You don't play Halo at school. You should be learning things that may help you get a job someday.

Why should students have their own laptops?

They can work harder. And it will make learning easier.