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It depends on whether the organization is developing it for commercial use or it has been contracted to develop the software. If the organization is developing it inhouse, then it owns all the right to the source code. If the organisation has been contracted to develop the software, then it would depend on the contract agreement between the organisation and the contracting firm or organisation. Therefore if the contract does not specifically mention that the contracting firm has exculsive right to the software then all rights remain with the developing organisation. It depends on whether the organization is developing it for commercial use or it has been contracted to develop the software. If the organization is developing it inhouse, then it owns all the right to the source code. If the organisation has been contracted to develop the software, then it would depend on the contract agreement between the organisation and the contracting firm or organisation. Therefore if the contract does not specifically mention that the contracting firm has exculsive right to the software then all rights remain with the developing organisation. It depends on whether the organization is developing it for commercial use or it has been contracted to develop the software. If the organization is developing it inhouse, then it owns all the right to the source code. If the organisation has been contracted to develop the software, then it would depend on the contract agreement between the organisation and the contracting firm or organisation. Therefore if the contract does not specifically mention that the contracting firm has exculsive right to the software then all rights remain with the developing organisation.

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