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No, you don't need a degree, but it does help. A degree with classes in architecture and design will help you learn the skills you need, and look good on your resume.

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Q: Do you need a degree to work in landscape design?
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What qualifications are needed to become a scaffold design engineer?

To work as a scaffold design engineer you must earn a degree in HNC Engineering. These courses can be taken at a local college.

Will an electric bell work with ac source?

Yes it can work on ac source but u will need a different design keeping in mind about the polarity.

What skills do you need to be an airplane engineer at Boeing?

You need to know how to design airplanes. To learn this you get a degree in aerospace engineering.And when you DO get this degree and go to work for Boeing, you will quickly learn that airplanes, especially transport-category aircraft like Boeing makes, are so complex there's no way one person could design an entire airplane. They specialize--there's a team of engineers who do nothing but design the various ports and doors the ground crew uses when they work on a plane. If the ground crew can service an airplane fifteen minutes faster, that gives the passenger service agents fifteen more minutes to load the plane while maintaining the same schedule which makes the passengers happier, or it lets the plane leave fifteen minutes quicker which lets the airline make more money.

How to Choose a Design School?

Choosing the design school that is right for you can be a great boost to your career in design. You need to find the school that has the courses that will get you to the level you want to get to ultimately. There are several options for design school, each of which has different benefits. Consider Your Plans What do you want the ultimate outcome of your design career to be? If you plan to work in an upper echelon boutique in the high rent district of Manhattan, your choices should reflect that goal. If you are interested in opening up your own shop, the amount of training that you require is up to you. There are design schools that are part of four year college and universities, which offer the highest level of overall training. There are also design schools that are part of vocational or technical schools and offer hands-on, focused training in design. Is Flexibility Necessary? The flexibility of your schedule may have a large impact on which type of design school you choose. In general, a design degree from a four year institution will require that you attend classes during the day. A two year certificate or degree in design from a vocational school or a community college will offer more flexibility in the scheduling of classes. Community colleges and vocational schools tend to have more night classes for students who work at full time jobs and can’t attend a traditional course schedule. Local or Long Distance When you finish your design school, where do you plan to work? If you want to work locally, find out what types of jobs area available in your area and what kind of training those jobs are looking for. You may be able to find work straight out of school if you research the available positions and cater your schooling to meet their requirements. If you plan to work in another city when you graduate, you may want to look at design schools in that city before you begin. There are many benefits to going to school in the same general area where you plan to begin your career.

What does it take to get and Engineering degree if you already have a 4 year chemistry degree?

The exact answer depends on the program and the school, but if you already have a BS degree then you usually need to complete those courses in the engineering degree that you don't have from the chemistry degree. Since the degree means you have completed your 'general education' requirements, the classes you would take would be the ones specifically for the engineering degree (i.e. in engineering). The other course work would have already been counted.

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With a graphic design degree, you can work at a variety of places needing design work. You can work for magazine companies designing the covers, and even work designing logos and other designs for various websites.

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Landscape design is a creative part of integration where people can enjoy an outdoor living area. People work with plants, nature, and architecture to create beautiful scenery for each homeowner to enjoy.

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To become a design engineer you need to go to college or university and get a degree in Design Engineering. Most programs have a co-op so students can get work experience and make contacts.

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A degree in design management gives you many options. You could join many companies as a manager over websites or the design of them as well as freelance work.

Is the degree of creative decoration related to home, construction or design?

That can be a matter of preference since a degree does not necessarily dictate what kind of work you will get. I would suggest a degree in design, but it is utterly up to you.

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You have an AA degree and want to pursue landscape design and horticulture I don't know if I should get a diploma or go for a BS?

I would strongly recommend you go for your bachelor's degree. The higher the education, the more marketable you will become, and it will open up more doors of opportunity than if you did not have the degree (even in other fields should this one not work out for you).

Can someone get a game design job in the UK if you have an American college degree?

no It depends on your nationality - not where your degree is from. If you are a non-British citizen, you will need a visa which allows you to WORK in the UK as opposed to coming here as a tourist.

Do I need a collage degree to design home furniture show rooms?

While many companies require a degree or some professional training, a career in design can be forged by someone with talent, enthusiasm and an excellent work ethic. Work on crafting a portfolio and developing your skills, and speak to potential employers about their needs and what they look for in a designer.

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To be a design engineer you first need to be an engineer. This requires an undergraduate degree from a four year school in a branch of engineering, such as civil, mechanical, or electrical. Once you have that qualification you can begin doing design work.

Do you need to get a degree to work at a bank?
