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Q: Do you agree or disagree with your lab partner who says a battery provides not a source of constant current but a source of constant voltage?
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Is a battery provides not a source of constant current or a source of constant voltage?

Batteries will provide a source of constant voltage. A battery also can be used to produce an electrical current immediately upon a necessary connection.

Will a battery provide direct current or alternating currrent?

A battery provides direct current (DC).

Is a 9 volt battery ac or DC?

A 9 volt battery is a DC (direct current) power source. It provides a constant voltage output in one direction, unlike AC (alternating current) which flows back and forth.

What does a battery in an electrical ciruit do?

Provides DC current

How does the changing the battery voltage affect the current?

If voltage varies then current varies with constant resistance.

What type of current does a storage battery porduce?

A storage battery produces direct current (DC). This type of current flows in a constant direction from the positive terminal to the negative terminal of the battery.

Is a battery a resistor if not what is?

No, a battery is not a resistor. A battery provides electrical energy, while a resistor is a component that restricts the flow of current in a circuit.

Is a car 12 volt battery ac or dc?

A car's 12-volt battery is considered a DC (direct current) power source. This means it provides a constant flow of electricity in one direction, which is needed to power the electrical components of the vehicle.

What is a current source?

A current source is a source that we can draw current from and can regulate to control the amount of current we draw. It is kind of a "mirror" of the voltage source. Here's how it might work. We usually are interested in keeping the current constant when we use a current source (though not always). To do this takes a varying voltage source to keep that current constant when using the source with a dynamic load (a load that is changing). There will have to be a way for the source to sense current flow and compare it to the setting put in. That way the source can maintain that constant current by adjusting to the correct voltage needed to maintain it. Many battery charging applications require this technology. We want "maximum" current so we can quickly charge the battery, but we cannot "overload" the battery, so we have to be careful not to do that. A constant current source is the answer. It will supply a steady "maximum" current, and the source will (as the battery charges and the "resistance to more charge" increases) increase in voltage to keep that amount of current flowing into the battery to charge it in the shortest time. A VERY GOOD EXPLANATION and I could add that a perfect current source would have 0 (zero) input/output impedance or you could say it's would be more like "a short that provides power".

What is difference between battery and mains electricity?

Mains supply provides alternative current while battery provides direct current.

What are the different charging processes?

The different charging processes include constant-current charging, constant-voltage charging, and trickle charging. Constant-current charging delivers a consistent current to the battery until a certain voltage is reached, then switches to constant-voltage charging to prevent overcharging. Trickle charging is a slow, low-level charge that helps maintain a battery's full capacity over time.

What type of electrical current does a notebook require and what device provides this current?

A notebook computer generally requires direct current. This current comes from a battery or a power supply. A battery converts chemicals into electricity, while a power supply or battery charger converts somewhat high voltage alternating current into lower voltage direct current.