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: How to make a model electromagnetic train ? : What I'am telling is not exactly an train but a car which moves along the track and the principle used by it is not like the principle used by maglev but you can make a train as well by using the same principle. : First you need some electromagnets ,a simple and powerful magnet ,a toy car in which the magnet can be placed . : Now ,first you need to make a track with help of a cardboard .Now make a track identical to the track you made before and place electromagnets ibetween the tracek and fix them .You will now need two switches ,connect each swith with a battry and magnets in such a way that on turning on the switch alternate magnets will start working .Put the car on the track and fit a simple magnet in it . : Turn on one of the switch ,the car will move now turn off the switch and switch on the other ,the car will move forward and repeat the process and the car will move along the track . : You can also make this model by using only one switch ,think on it ,it's easy .

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15y ago
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3mo ago

An electromagnetic train, also known as a maglev train, is built with powerful magnets that repel each other to levitate the train above the track. The train is propelled forward by alternating magnetic fields that push and pull the train along the track. This technology eliminates the need for traditional wheels and friction, allowing the train to travel faster and more smoothly.

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11y ago

Magnetic trains work through a process called magnetic levitation which makes the name Maglev ( a train in Japan whose top speed is 581 km/h) The magnetic field on the line interacts with the magnetic field on the train and so thus the train hovers a few millimeters in the air.

Because the train does not touch the track, there is no rolling resistance.

There are currently two kinds of magnetic levitation trains:

(As with most trains, most of the power goes to overcoming air resistance).

* electromagnetic suspension: electromagnets firmly attached to the train are below a steel rail. The electromagnets are attracted to the rail, lifting the train. (This system requires feedback systems to increase the attraction whenever the train falls too far from the rail, and decrease the attraction when the train has pulled too close to the rail). The M-Bahn, the Transrapid, the Shanghai Maglev Train, etc. use electromagnetic suspension (EMS).

* electrodynamic suspension: conductors (typically copper or aluminum) are repelled by rapidly changing magnetic fields. With some systems, electromagnets firmly attached to the train repel coils of copper wire below and to the sides of the train. With other systems, permanent magnets in a Halbach array along the track repel sheets of aluminum in the train. (Permanent magnets cause changing magnetic fields in the conductor only when the train is moving rapidly; this system requires some other system is used to hold up the train when it is slow or stopped). The Inductrack and Japan's JR-Maglev use electrodynamic suspension (EDS).

A few magnetically levitated trains use chilled superconductors, but most use normal room-temperature conductors.

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11y ago

I suppose you could say that, but it makes more sence if you invert it:

electromagnets are used in maglev trains.

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12y ago

Yes, they do. Watch a train that isn't too modern on your railway or on Google and you will see something between the carts. That's what it is

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12y ago

Modern (electric) trains rely on electromagnets as part of the motors used to propel the train.

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15y ago

yes by tiny magnets

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11y ago

In physics ,magnetism

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11y ago

To lift it & to move it.

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The electromagnetic train is suspended above the rails thanks to the special metals that the tracks are made of. Just like a regular magnet, this causes the two masses to repel each other, and it makes the train suspend over the tracks.

How does a maglev train involve electromagnetic induction?

A maglev train uses electromagnetic induction to create a magnetic field between the train and the track. This magnetic field allows the train to levitate and move along the track without any physical contact, reducing friction and allowing for faster speeds. By varying the strength of the magnetic field, the train can be propelled forward or slowed down.

What is electromagnet train?

An electromagnetic train, also known as a maglev train, uses magnetic levitation to suspend and propel the train without the need for wheels or tracks. The train hovers above the track and is propelled by the electromagnetic force generated between the train and the track. This technology allows for faster speeds, smoother rides, and lower maintenance compared to traditional trains.

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Is a bullet train as fast as a electromagnetic train?

if your talking about the monorail V bullit train then probably not, the reason being the bullit train is on the normal tracks whil the monorail trains are floating so there is no friction between the train cars & the rails. even speed comes down to friction

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