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Yes, chromosomes (the DNA) contain the genetic blueprints for all cells.

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Q: Do chromosomes contain the genetic information of the bacterial cell?
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What structures in the nucleus contain 99.5 percent of cell's genetic information?

the chromosomes

What kind of info does chromosomes hold?

They contain genetic information

Where is genetic information is found in a cell?

=== === The chromosomes in a cell contain genetic information since DNA is found in a chromosome which holds genetic onformation.

What is the function of chromosomes in a bacteria cell?

Chromosomes in bacteria cells carry the genetic information necessary for the cell to function and reproduce. They contain the bacterial DNA in a single circular structure, and are essential for controlling the cell's growth and metabolism.

Are homologous chromosomes matched units of DNA that contain genetic information?

Yes, homologous chromosomes are paired chromosomes that contain the same genes at the same loci, one inherited from each parent. They are matched units of DNA that carry genetic information related to the same traits or characteristics.

What is made up of DNA and is located on the chromosomes inside the nucleus?


What does The chromosomes in your body each contain?

Chromosomes in your body contain DNA, which carries the genetic information necessary for the development, functioning, and reproduction of an organism. Each chromosome is made up of a long strand of DNA wrapped around proteins called histones. The DNA within chromosomes is organized into genes that encode specific proteins or RNA molecules essential for various biological processes.

What is the chromosomes 'job'?

Chromosomes contain DNA, which carries the genetic information that determines an organism's traits. During cell division, chromosomes ensure that each new cell receives the correct amount of genetic material. Chromosomes play a crucial role in passing on hereditary information from one generation to the next.

Where is genetic information in the nucleus stored?

Genetic information is stored in the chromosomes.

In what structure does Bacterial DNA resemble human DNA?

Bacterial DNA, like human DNA, is organized into structures called chromosomes. Both bacterial and human chromosomes contain genetic information necessary for the survival and replication of the organism. However, bacterial chromosomes are usually circular in structure, while human chromosomes are linear.

Contains the DNA information?

The nucleus of a cell contains the DNA information that serves as the genetic blueprint for an organism. DNA carries the instructions for building and maintaining an organism's cells, tissues, and organs. It is composed of genes that encode specific traits and characteristics.

Which organelle in a plant or animal cell contains genetic information?

The nucleus in both plant and animal cells contains genetic information in the form of DNA.