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I think prof. engineers should be held to a similar certification process as doctors and lawyers. Engineering disasters have caused many deaths, just like a bad doctor/lawyer. So, we should expect an engineer to be as competent in their field as a doctor/lawyers is.

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Abdihakin Ali Abdi X...

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4y ago

I believe the professional engineers should be certified in the same way as doctors and lawyers becouse like doctors and lawyers you need a way yo weed out the good and bad. software is extremely in today's wold and people are affected by the software we create.

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Q: Discuss whether professional engineers should be certified in the same way as doctors and lawyers?
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Why do engineers earn more than doctors?

Not all engineers make more than doctors, that could be said the same for doctors. Doctors typically make more. They are more needed and wanted by society as well as the government. When you go to a hospital, do you want a doctor to look at you or an engineer? Doctors have a steady stream of patients so they have lots of work while not all engineers have guaranteed work.

Who earns more money a doctor or an engineer?

Top doctors and top engineers earn more than New Zealand's Prime Minister. There are many types of engineers and many types of doctors. The salary of these professional will depend on who their employer is - government, or private employer. There are many self-employed professional engineers and professional doctors who prefer to "work in their own business/consultancy". How much each earns will depend on where they work within NZ and how many hours they work in their "business". The New Zealand Department of Labour (DoL) has statistics on earnings - but the figures are approximate and general, and some what out of date most of the time. The Department of Statistics has interesting comparative statistics between the various medical and engineering income levels.

What careers use robotics in their daily work?

Engineers,factory workers,doctors, dentists.Ect..

What is an example of how engineers have affected society?

Engineers are the builders and designers of the world. We get very little attention but what we do impacts every individual in society. Gasoline is produced from refineries designed by chemical engineers, building and bridges are up because of civil engineers and computer are getting better each day because of the work of electrical engineers. We don't get much attention like doctors and lawyers but we do a great amount for society every single day!

Can an engineer prefix his name with Er like a doctor writes Dr?

Yes. Engineers in several countries use different prefixes to show that they have a graduate professional degree just like a doctor. In many countries, professional engineers in most fields must hold a state license just like a medical person. For example, in Germany "Ingr" is used. In India, "Er" is used. In some other countries "Engr" is used. All of these are officially allowed and recogonized. In Germany, many professors of engineering will hold a regular PhD and then get a second PhD called a Habillitation. So, it common to see them addressed as "Prof. Dr. Ingr. ABC". A regular PhD holder in engineering would be called "Dr. Ingr.".Engineers in many western countries, unlike people from other professions, have not pressed for a specific prefix or other recognition. So, it is not common in these countries. But, it is common elsewhere in the world.On another note, how much self-promotion is needed for a profession determines how much people in the profession advertise and recognize themselves. In the US for instance, it is not uncommon for attorneys to routinely call themselves "Attorney ABC" although no such offical prefix has been approved or required by the American Bar Association- only the Esq. suffix is approved. Then there are the cases of Chiropractors, doctors of naturopathy and other alternative medicines and so on.But, with the case of "Ingr" or "Er", it IS approved by the respective state bodies and is in common practice. So, it would behoove us to addrees an engineer from those countries by the prefix, even if it is not common in our countries, just as we would address a Frenchman as Monsieur, to be polite.Interestingly, many suffixes are available to engineers in most countries compared to prefixes. Many countries have a licensing body or a professional organization that assesses and certifies engineers. Certifications and licenses given by them are used as suffixes compared to the Er or Ingr prefixes. In the US for example, a licensed engineer would write P.E. after their name for Professional Engineer. Such a license may be required to practise in some fields of Engineering. In some Commonwealth countries CEng for someone with a "Chartered Engineer" certification is common. In these same countries, a fellowship of the professional organization of engineers is often the highest certification attainable by an engineer, often given after many years and experience and attaining a high standing in the field. In the UK this would be an FRAE (for the Royal Academy of Engineering). In some other countries, it is FIE for the institute of engineers. Almost always, such fellows are addressed with the FIE or FRAE suffixed to their names.

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Certified Natural Health Professional

What country produces most doctors and engineers?

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What was the real reason the wall was needed?

To keep the professional people like doctors and engineers who lived in East Germany from defecting.

What is the designation PC?

PC is the abbreviation of Professional Corporations. This designation is for corporate use by licensed professionals such doctors, lawyers, accountants, and engineers.

What was the real reason the Berlin wall was needed?

To keep the professional people like doctors and engineers who lived in East Germany from defecting.

What is professional advertising?

It is mostly related to those product which is specially made for professional work or professional people's like Ca's, Lawyer's, architect, engineers , Doctor's ,. & advertisement of these product is called professional advertising . For Eg. kit of necessary equipment of architecture ,or surgical equipment for doctors . which the professional person purchase it .

Who needs to have professional liability insurance?

Self employed people who give professional advice such as a psychologist, attorneys, doctors, lawyers, accountants, architects engineers etc need to have this insurance to cover any damages from their advice with their clients.

Do you have to be certified or have a license to be a doctors?

Yes because people will be pretending they are doctors

Who earns more money a doctor or an engineer?

Top doctors and top engineers earn more than New Zealand's Prime Minister. There are many types of engineers and many types of doctors. The salary of these professional will depend on who their employer is - government, or private employer. There are many self-employed professional engineers and professional doctors who prefer to "work in their own business/consultancy". How much each earns will depend on where they work within NZ and how many hours they work in their "business". The New Zealand Department of Labour (DoL) has statistics on earnings - but the figures are approximate and general, and some what out of date most of the time. The Department of Statistics has interesting comparative statistics between the various medical and engineering income levels.

Why do engineers earn more than doctors?

Not all engineers make more than doctors, that could be said the same for doctors. Doctors typically make more. They are more needed and wanted by society as well as the government. When you go to a hospital, do you want a doctor to look at you or an engineer? Doctors have a steady stream of patients so they have lots of work while not all engineers have guaranteed work.

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Discuss whether professional software engineers should be certified in the same way as doctors or lawyers.?

Systems software vendors offer certification and training programs, but most training authorities say that program certification alone is not sufficient for the majority of software engineering jobs. People interested in jobs as computer software engineers must have strong problem-solving and analytical skills. They also must be able to communicate effectively with team members, other staff, and the customers they meet. Because they often deal with a number of tasks simultaneously, they must be able to concentrate and pay close attention to detail. As technology advances, employers will need workers with the latest skills. Computer software engineers must continually strive to acquire new skills if they wish to remain in this dynamic field. To help keep up with changing technology, workers may take continuing education and professional development seminars offered by employers, software vendors, colleges and universities, private training institutions, and professional computing societies. Computer software engineers also need skills related to the industry in which they work. Engineers working for a bank, for example, should have some expertise in finance so that they understand banks' computer needs.