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Q: Differences linked-list non contiguous allocation and linked-list allocation using index?
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What is the difference between sequential allocation and linked allocation in java?

Sequential allocation refers specifically to arrays. An array is, by definition, a contiguous block of memory. The index of the array is used as an offset from the memory address of the beginning of the array - this is why access to any element in an array takes a constant amount of time to compute. "Linked allocation" is best described by linked lists. These data structures are connected by a series of nodes. A node contains at least two pieces of information: some piece of data and a reference (link) to the next node in the chain. Since changing the position of a node in a linked list only requires changing references to other nodes, insertion and deletion is trivial. Note that these "referential" linked data structures are not the only way to link data, just the easiest to understand and implement.

What is contiguous memory in c plus plus?

Contiguous memory refers to a single block of consecutive memory addresses. All data types larger than a char require contiguous memory addresses. For any given data type T, sizeof (T) tells us how many bytes of contiguous memory will be allocated to an object of that type: std::cout << "sizeof (char) == " << sizeof (char) << std::endl; std::cout << "sizeof (int) == " << sizeof (int) << std::endl; std::cout << "sizeof (double) == " << sizeof (double) << std::endl; struct X {/* ... */}; std::cout << "sizeof (X) == " << sizeof (X) << std::endl; When we speak of contiguous memory, we don't usually refer to the number of bytes allocated to a given type; it can be taken as read that those bytes will be allocated contiguously such that the low-order byte refers to the whole object, regardless of its length. Typically we use the term contiguous memory when referring to an array of objects. All objects in an array (the array elements) are exactly the same length (in bytes) and because they are allocated contiguously it is trivial to calculate the offset address of any one element relative to any other element in the same array. This is precisely how the array suffix operator works using only a zero-based index; the operator is nothing more than a convenient method of implementing pointer arithmetic. The upshot is that all arrays permit constant-time random access to any element in the array. Arrays are dense data structures. That is, there is no additional memory required to maintain the structure. The only information we need to keep track of is the start address and the number of elements. However, the downside of contiguous memory allocations is that whenever we wish to increase the amount of memory allocated we often have to move the entire allocation to new memory. The larger the allocation the more costly this becomes. Moreover, inserting new data means we must move elements to make room. This is why variable-length arrays typically reserve additional memory for moderate expansion while new elements are always pushed onto the end of the array rather than inserted in the middle. Linked-lists are non-contiguous data structures which make use of additional memory to maintain links between the elements. As such, the elements need not move once allocated. If we want to change the element sequence or insert a new element into the sequence we simply update the affected links; the elements themselves remain wherever they were originally allocated. Some data structures make use of both contiguous and non-contiguous allocations. A deque (a double-ended queue, pronounced deck) is a typical example because it is usually implemented as a linked-list of separate arrays. Each array is contiguous but the list of arrays is not necessarily contiguous.

What does the new index property return?

The new index property return the selected item number of a list box. Say their is a list box of 1 item the index is 0. You can get the index by one line of code. Listbox1.SelectedIndex.ToString That's all the index does.

What is the difference between LinkedList and Hashtable?

A linked list is made up of a sequence of connected (linked) nodes. A hashtable is usually backed by an array, and is an association of keys and values. When an object is added to the array it becomes a value; the object is hashed to get a key (an index into the array).

How memory is allocated for array type variable?

For any given type, T, a definition of type T[n] will allocate an array of n elements of type T in contiguous memory, for all n>=0. The total size of the allocation will be equivalent to n * sizeof(T). Elements of type T can be accessed by index, in the range 0 to n-1. These indices allow the compiler to compute the offset from the start of the array, such that index i refers to the address i * sizeof(T). Arrays can be either fixed-size or variable-length and can be allocated on the stack or the heap but only fixed-size arrays can be allocated statically. The following shows all the possibilities: int a[10]; // fixed-size, static allocation, global scope void f(int n) { int b[10]; // fixed-size, stack allocation, local scope int c[n]; // variable-length, stack allocation, local scope int* d = new int[10]; //fixed-size, heap allocation int* e = new int[n]; // variable-length, heap allocation // ... delete [] e; delete [] d; } Note that the arrays referred to by the pointers d and e are anonymous arrays (as are all heap allocations). It is important that we maintain at least one reference to a heap allocation in order to release that memory back to the system when we no longer require it. The pointers d and e will automatically fall from scope when the function ends, but the memory they refer to remains, unless we explicitly delete that memory. Ideally, the function that allocates heap memory should also release that memory, however so long as we maintain a reference to that memory (such as through a global pointer), any function can release it. This can lead to problems such as resource leaks as ownership of the memory is unspecified; any code can take ownership of the memory at any time. This is particularly problematic in multi-threaded applications where two threads may attempt to take ownership at the same time. If one thread releases the memory while another is still accessing that memory, undefined behaviour will occur. To avoid this, pointers to heap allocations are best encapsulated within a resource handle, a class that takes ownership of the memory. In C++, std::vector provides a thread-safe resource handle to variable-length arrays.

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What is the difference between sequential allocation and linked allocation in java?

Sequential allocation refers specifically to arrays. An array is, by definition, a contiguous block of memory. The index of the array is used as an offset from the memory address of the beginning of the array - this is why access to any element in an array takes a constant amount of time to compute. "Linked allocation" is best described by linked lists. These data structures are connected by a series of nodes. A node contains at least two pieces of information: some piece of data and a reference (link) to the next node in the chain. Since changing the position of a node in a linked list only requires changing references to other nodes, insertion and deletion is trivial. Note that these "referential" linked data structures are not the only way to link data, just the easiest to understand and implement.

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