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Machine language is often (incorrectly) referred to as binary language. Binary is a numbering system comprised of zeros and ones. (Also thought of as true/false, or originally from the electronic ancestry, on and off.)

Machine language is the instructions that computers understand. These instructions are comprized of binary values which instruct the CPU to perform specific actions.

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14y ago

Machine language uses very specific commands and sequence of execution, it's very hard for people to understand that. That's why high-level languages were invented. Even so they are not as efficient and fast, but it's much easier and faster to use it, then use low-level type of language.

Example of Assembly Code to tell the computer to display "Hello, world!":

section .text

global _begin_here


mov edx,len

mov ecx,msg

mov ebx,1

mov eax,4

int 0x80

mov eax,1

int 0x80

section .data

msg db 'Hello, world!',0xa

len equ $ - msg

Example of Visual Basic Code to tell the computer to display "Hello, world!":

Private Sub Command1_Click()

MsgBox "Hello, World!"

End Sub

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9y ago

Machine language can be executed without any translation. It is the native language of the machine. Symbolic languages must be translated into machine code, but they make the creation of machine code programs much easier for programmers. High-level languages like C++ make it easier still.

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12y ago

machine languages are the combination of binary numbers viz zeros and ones.But human language consist of letters and words using alphabets.

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What is the difference between high level language and machine language?

The difference between high level languages and machine languages are as follows: 1)Machine language uses binary numbers/codes but high level languages(HLL) use key words similar to English and are easier to write. 2)Machine Language is a Low level language and is machine dependant while HLLs are not.

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Binary is made up of 0's and 1's. Binary can also be called Machine Code. Binary is the 'language' that the computer understands.

Machine language is also known as?

Machine code.

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A compiler is actually a program. However the function of a compiler it to take a programmers high level language code and render this as binary machine language instructions that a specific processor can execute.

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HLL is what we humans use. Its full name is High Level Language. MLL is what machines use. Its full name is Machine Level Language. The difference is, HLL is our language (e.g English) and MLL is machines language (binary code) Binary code is 0s and 1s so "A" could be 010 in MLL. MLL is understood only by the computer and not humans

What is machine language called and what numerals represent this language?

A machine language is called as machine code and it is represented as binary numbers 0 and 1

What is a binary programming language that the computer can run directly?

Machine language.

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it is also called as binary language

What is the binary language used by computers?

Machine code.

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1- Binary language 2- Assembly Language

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