Invention implies creating something which didn't previously exist. Discovery implies finding something which no one had found before.
You could have invented a telescope if you lived before it's inventors. You could use a telescope and discover an object which no one had noticed before.
Invention is to make something new while discovery is to find something that is already existed.
Invention makes or develops something that did not exist. Discovery finds real (non-abstract) things that are already exsistant.
Research is finding relation between founded items new relation but invent finding out of new points or things.
Discovery - finding something, it already existedbut nobody knew about itInvention - making something, nobody had ever made something exactly like it before and it did not already exist
An invention is kinda something you made and found and will really make a difference to the word . Such as a discovery it means you have found a precious thing and its mysterious and this item could be from outer space or it could be something made millions of years ago!
Invention is to make something new while discovery is to find something that is already existed.
Invention makes or develops something that did not exist. Discovery finds real (non-abstract) things that are already exsistant.
Research is finding relation between founded items new relation but invent finding out of new points or things.
it is a discovery not an invention
Discovery - finding something, it already existedbut nobody knew about itInvention - making something, nobody had ever made something exactly like it before and it did not already exist
An invention is kinda something you made and found and will really make a difference to the word . Such as a discovery it means you have found a precious thing and its mysterious and this item could be from outer space or it could be something made millions of years ago!
what is the invention or discovery of Yuri Milner
there is no differnce
The discovery of the cell was possible due to the invention of the microscope.
it would be an invention