The idea of robots has been around for 60 to 100 years. In the 1950's Life magazine had one on the front cover and industry began to use robots in production. An actual full scale working programmable robot is still in the works. Japan has been working on robots for a long time. As Robbie the Robot said " Take me to your leader."
Mario Luiz Robotio invented Robots in 1923, the first robot he invented was MLR-142 he made 6 of them and sold them 100 euros. MLR took 13 years to build and it took 309 engineers and 120 builders. MLR was probably the most unbelievable thing the world had seen. Mario got so rich from selling all his robots he made a company called, MRC. It was the most successful business the 20th Century had ever seen. On 16th November 1966 Mario Died of Lung Cancer. But since he had no children or a wife, the company died with him. Buried next to him in Rome Grand Cemetry is the 1st ever robot, the 1st ever MLR-142. Mario would have been 100 years old 1st January 2007.
Robots in our future can either be a good or a bad thing. You may have already seen the future in Robots in the auto and medical industry. Currently there is one car factory in Germany that is totally automated by Robots and one IBM technology factory in Texas 100% automated. One company, Caterpillar, is working on robotic machinery and plans on 2020-2021 for complete automation of their heavy machinery. The largest industry where you will see robots in our future before others is the medical industry. The Da Vinci surgery robot is an indication of the possibilities of robots working in hospitals. Robots are precise and performing risky surgeries can alleviate human error and stress associated with surgery. Increasing health care costs and the needs of the elderly and sick put a strain on our current network of doctors. Having robots perform the day-to-day and repetitive surgeries can free up doctors and surgeons for the harder operations. Also, medical scientists are affected: they would be able to concentrate of creating vaccines and cures.
the microscope
we would be living in a robotic world...........robots will occupy the humans work
Yes. Experts believe that Robot Dinosaurs will take over the world in what they think to be 37 years. Be prepared.
we'll have robots and probably none of the people reading this will be alive.
I will turn 100 and there will be robots
The idea of robots has been around for 60 to 100 years. In the 1950's Life magazine had one on the front cover and industry began to use robots in production. An actual full scale working programmable robot is still in the works. Japan has been working on robots for a long time. As Robbie the Robot said " Take me to your leader."
it can be possible to use robots in our daily life for our works but not 100% like irobot.
100 years.100 years.100 years.100 years.100 years.100 years.100 years.100 years.100 years.100 years.100 years.
No but maybe in 100 million years
100 years.100 years.100 years.100 years.100 years.100 years.