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give pin number 7, 11, 13, 14 to a 4input nand gate. this is the sum.
give pin number 7, 9, 10, 12 to another 4input nand gate.
this is the carry...

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Q: Design a full adder using decoder and other sutiable gate?
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What is carry look ahead adder?

When doing binary addition, the carry save adder outputs two numbers, one of which is the partial sum and the other is the sequence of carry bits. By analyzing the carry bits in conjunction with the partial sum, the final sum is determined. In contrast, the look ahead adder calculates the carry bits before any partial or final sum is determined, because knowing the carry bits beforehand speeds up the entire process.

What is the assembly language development phases?

Really no different than development in any other language: requirements definition, general design, detail design, coding, testing and implementation.

What does an engineer design?

They usually try to make the car they are designing, more fuel efficient, safer, and try to come up with ways to improve the current design.

How do you use bitwise operators to calculate 15 plus 7?

Normally you wouldn't, you'd simply use the built-in addition operator (+): x = 15 + 7; // e.g., x = 22 However, behind the scenes, the computer uses bitwise operations to determine the sum and it is presumed the question relates to how this is actually achieved. In other words, how can we emulate these machine-level operations in code? We start with a half-adder. A half-adder has two input bits, the two bits being summed (denoted A and B), and two output bits, the sum bit and the carry-out bit (denoted S and Cout). The half-adder truth table looks like this: A + B = S, Cout 0 + 0 = 0, 0 0 + 1 = 1, 0 1 + 0 = 1, 0 1 + 1 = 0, 1 The sum bit is determined using a XOR gate (A XOR B) while the carry-out bit is determined using an AND gate (A AND B). By itself, a half-adder only works for the least-significant bit of a sum (it is just a 1-bit adder after all). To sum multi-bit values we need to implement a full-adder for each bit in the sum. A full-adder is more difficult to implement than a half-adder because it has three inputs rather than just two. One of the inputs is the carry-in bit (denoted Cin), which is actually the Cout bit from the full-adder for the next least-significant bit. Thus to sum two multi-bit values we use a cascade of full-adders, one for each bit in the sum, where the Cout from one full-adder becomes the Cin for the next. A full-adder has the following truth table: Cin + A + B = S, Cout 0 + 0 + 0 = 0, 0 0 + 0 + 1 = 1, 0 0 + 1 + 0 = 1, 0 0 + 1 + 1 = 0, 1 1 + 0 + 0 = 1, 0 1 + 0 + 1 = 0, 1 1 + 1 + 0 = 0, 1 1 + 1 + 1 = 1, 1 A full-adder is implemented using two half-adders joined by an OR gate. Input bits A and B pass through the first half-adder to produce a partial sum. The SUM bit of that half-adder then passes through the second half-adder along with the Cin bit to produce the final SUM bit of the full-adder. Meanwhile, the Cout bits from both half-adders pass through an OR gate to determine the Cout bit of the full-adder. That is, if the Cout bit is set by either of the half-adders, then the Cout must also be set for the full-adder. Going back to the original example, the sum of 15 and 7, we proceed as follows: 15 + 7 in binary is 00001111 + 00000111 We start at bit 0 (least-significant bit) and pass the inputs through a cascade of full-adders, passing the Cout bit from one full-adder through the Cin to the next: Cin + A + B = S, Cout 0 + 1 + 1 = 0, 1 1 + 1 + 1 = 1, 1 1 + 1 + 1 = 1, 1 1 + 1 + 0 = 0, 1 1 + 0 + 0 = 1, 0 0 + 0 + 0 = 0, 0 0 + 0 + 0 = 0, 0 0 + 0 + 0 = 0, 0 Reading the S column upwards we find the sum is 00010110 which is 22 decimal. Note that if the Cout of the final-adder is set, the sum has overflowed To emulate these machine-level operations in C++, we first need to create a class to hold the two output bits: struct output { unsigned sum; unsigned cout; }; Note that an unsigned data type will occupy more than one bit, however the only valid values will be 0 or 1. Implementing this as a class would make it easier to maintain this invariant, however we'll use a simple data structure for the sake of brevity. To implement the half-adder, we use the following code: output half_adder (unsigned a, unsigned b) { // both inputs must be in the range [0:1] return output {a^b, a&b}; } To implement the full-adder, we use the following code: output full-adder (unsigned cin, unsigned a, unsigned b) { // all inputs must all be in the range [0:1] output one {half_adder (a, b)}; output two {half_adder (one.sum, cin)}; return output {two.sum, one.cout | two.cout}; } To add two 8-bit values using the full-adder, we use the following code: unsigned sum_8bit (unsigned a, unsigned b} { unsigned sum=0; output out {0, 0}; for (unsigned i=0; i<8; ++i) { out=full_adder (out.cout, a&1, b&1); sum|=(out.sum<<i); a>>=1; b>>=1; } if (out.cout) throw std::range_error {"sum_8bit(): out of range"}; return sum; } We can test the code with a simple assertion: int main() { assert (sum (15, 7)==22); return 0; }

The unit which controls the flow of data?

Control Unit: this component is responsible for directing the flow of instructions and data within the CPU. The Control Unit is actually built of many other selection circuits such as decoders and multiplexors. In the diagram above, the Decoder and the Multiplexor compose the Control Unit.

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Why ripple carry adder is used?

A ripple carry adder needs a much less complicated circuit, than other adder topologies.

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Yes and no. The ripple carry adder is one type of parallel adder. Other parallel adder types include the pipelined parallel adder and the carry look-ahead adderamongst others.

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Define half adder and full adder?

From wikipedia: A half adder is a logical circuit that performs an addition operation on two binary digits. The half adder produces a sum and a carry value which are both binary digits. A full adder is a logical circuit that performs an addition operation on three binary digits. The full adder produces a sum and carry value, which are both binary digits. It can be combined with other full adders or work on its own.

What is the role of decoder of CPU?

The instruction decoder is the part of the CPU that converts the bits stored in the instruction register into control signals need to control other parts of the processor. In CPUs that use microcode, the decoder converts microinstructions into the control signals.

What does a VIN decoder do for the average consumer?

A VIN decoder helps consumers and customers. It helps them decide on the best local prices on stock and other consumer-related products people inquiry about.

Is there actually a resource adder for tribal wars for world 62?

There is a way to download a resource adder however you must complete lots of surveys and other stuff. I gave after question 52!

How do you design an decoder 2 to 4 and 3 to 8?

It depends on the precise nature of the coder and there are many possibilities. Here are three: A: f(x) = 2x B: f(x) = 4*(x - 1) C: f(x) = 2*(x2 - 3x + 4) The simplest of these is f(x) = 2x. In that case the decoder is y = ln(x)/ln(2) where ln is the natural logarithm. Logs to base 10, or any other base can also be used and, if the chosen base is 2, then the decoder becomes: y = log2(x)

Why cant your computer play FLV videos?

If you wanna to play an FLV (Flash Video) file your computer should have installed a video decoder or FLV player, i suggest you to download a FFSHOw Decoder and install on your computer then you can play any kind of FLV and other type of videos in Windows Media player and other players of other platform.

How do you read the decoder?

You don't really need it. I beat it 3 times and i only used the decoder's notebook. just ask questions about it. Most of it is common sense.Hope this helps!PS: on the first clue go into the glasses shop and do everything backwards.IE: points to E do other one.