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The product of resistance and capacitance is referred to as the time constant. It determines rate of charging and discharging of a capacitor.

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How would you declare a constant of 5 called MYCONST?

A constant of 5 called MYCONST would be declared as #define MYCONST 5. This is because the statement used is a define statement.

Write a preprocessor directive to accomplish Define symbolic constant YES to have the value 1?

I'm not exactly sure that this is a question, but here you are:#define YES 1

Why and when do you use the define directive?

The #define preprocessor directive is severely overused in my opinion. Often, you will see programmers write something like this: # define MAX(a, b) (((a) > (b))? (a) : (b)) However doing so is rather dangerous, because the preprocessor replaces things textually. This means that if you pass in a call to a function, it may happen twice, for example: MAX(++i, j) will be expanded to (((++i) > (j))? (++i) : (j)) which is bad. A much safer (and more common) example is that people will use #define to create a constant variable: #define MYCONST 10 This too can cause problems if another file depends on the constant and certain other conditions are met. A safer alternative is to declare a const variable. The one advantage of using #define for literal constants is that the number will not be stored in memory attached to an object like a const variable will.

What is the effect of this statement in C program define PI 3.14159?

All pre-processor directives begin with a # symbol. One of the most-used pre-processor directives is the #define directive, which has the following syntax:#define SYMBOL definitionThis defines a macro. During preprocessing, all occurrences of SYMBOL within your source code will be replaced with whatever is written in the definition (which includes everything up to the end of the line).#define PI 3.14159Here, all occurrences of the symbol PI within your source code will be replaced with the character sequence 3.14159. So if your source contained the following function:double area_of_circle (double radius) {return 2*PI*radius*radius; // 2 PI r squared}The compiler will see the following instead:double area_of_circle (double radius) { return 2*3.14159*radius*radius;}While this may well seem a convenient method of defining constants, it is not. Macros should never be used to define constants. If you need a constant, use an actual constant. If the constant must be calculated at compile time, then use a constant expression. In this case we can define PI as follows:constexpr double PI (void) {return 4.0 * atan (1.0);}Note that the literal value 3.14159 takes no account of the implementation's precision because the compiler will convert it to a value of 3.141590. By defining the constant expression, the compiler will use a value of 3.14159265359..., including as many digits of precision as the implementation will physically allow, and thus minimising rounding errors.Macros (#defines) should only be used for conditional compilation, never to define constants.

What is the difference in use of define and const variable?

1.type checking in const that is not a part of #define. 2.scope 3.debugging is possible with const.const variable can be localized whereas #define variable cannot be done so.#define simply replaces whatever you have defined by the text you want it to replace.const variable's value cannot be manipulated during the course of the program.#define is a text preprocessor command and like all text preprocessor commands (beginning with "#") are handled by textual substitution throughout the code before the compiler sees any of the code.const is a compiler keyword that identifies a constant declaration. It is handled by the actual compiler.

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How do you define constant?

Constant means an ongoing situation or thing.

How do you define a constant in PHP?

You can define a constant using the define() can use this a number of ways;to define a variable to a constant do:$string = "hello";define("string",$string);to define a string to a constant use:define("hello","there");to define a integer or other numerical value use:define("number",1.0);Summery:to define a string use quotes as you would do a string.Unlike variables in PHP a constant cannot be changed or undefined once it is defined. Constant remains automatically globally throughout the script. It means that it can be accessed from inside a function. e.g.

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How would you declare a constant of 5 called MYCONST?

A constant of 5 called MYCONST would be declared as #define MYCONST 5. This is because the statement used is a define statement.

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if you define y = constant then the slope of any constant is 0 so if you define the line y = 0 the slope of 0 is 0.

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The specific rate constant a proportionally determined constant that is usually different for various reactions with changes in temperature.

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Please define what you mean by "constant". Thank You!

How do you declare constant in Turbo C?

In C there is no constant with a name. It is done with the preprocessor directive of #define as in #define pi 3.1416 The preprocesor substitutes every occurance of word pi (with blanks on either side) with 3.1416

Write a preprocessor directive to accomplish Define symbolic constant YES to have the value 1?

I'm not exactly sure that this is a question, but here you are:#define YES 1

Pi is a mathematical constant related to circle define Pi?

Ratio of the perimeter of a circle (circumference) to its diameter

Define constant and variable?

Constant means that it never changes. Variable means that it could, and likely will change. There are 24 hours in a day, so that is a constant. The weather is variable, so it could be cloudy, rainy, windy, or sunny.

Define constant returns to scale?

My loose definition of constant returns to scale:Constant returns to scale occur when a given increase in output is brought about by the same proportional increase in returns.