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No. Brass, copper, and black iron pipe are dissimilar metals. Use the dialectric union to separate the dissimilar metals.

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8mo ago

No, brass cannot be used as a dielectric union between copper and black iron pipe. Dielectric unions are typically made of materials that are not electrically conductive, such as plastic or rubber. Brass is a conductive material and would not provide insulation against galvanic corrosion between copper and black iron pipe.

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Q: Can you use brass as a dialectric union between copper and black iron pipe?
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Brass is an alloy made from combining copper with zinc, while copper is a pure elemental metal. Brass is more corrosion-resistant than copper and has a golden color, while copper has a reddish-brown color and is a good conductor of electricity.

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Zinc is mixed with copper to make brass. The proportions of copper and zinc can vary depending on the type of brass being produced.

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Is brass nonmetal or a copper?

Brass is an alloy made by combining copper with zinc. It is not a nonmetal; it is a metallic alloy.