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There are many approaches to this 'problem'. Since a C function is only allowed to return one value as the name of the function you have to provide parameters to the routine if you want multiple values to be returned.

For example, traditionally you return a value thus:

int Today () ;

if (Today() == 2) ....

int Today ()
/* Some logic */
return value ;

So if you want multiple values, send parameters to the routine that can be changed:

int Today (int * val1, int * val2, char * charValue) ;

Then, call it:

int first ;
int second ;
char third ;

if (Today (&first, &second, &third) == 2)

In this case first, second, and third can be changed inside the Today routine and return multiple values.

int Today (int * val1, int * val2, char * charValue)
*val1 = 5 ;
*val2 = 10 ;
*charValue = 'Y' ;
return 2 ;

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13y ago

You don't. A function by definition returns one value.

If you want to, say, calculate two different real values, you could store them in consecutive locations in memory (details are left as an exercise for the student) and have the function return a pointer to the first of these.

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8y ago

Yes! Using output parameters. A return statement can be used for returning only one value from a function. However, using output parameters, you can return two values from a function.

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Write a program to return a function using class in C Plus Plus?

Classes cannot return values, only functions can return values. But you cannot return a function from a function, you can only return a function pointer -- a pointer variable holding the address of the function you wish to return. All possible return values must be of the same type, therefore all function signatures and return types must be exactly the same -- only the name of the functions can differ.

What are the different types of function in c plus plus programming?

There are five types of functions and they are:Functions with no arguments and no return values.Functions with arguments and no return values.Functions with arguments and return values.Functions that return multiple values.Functions with no arguments and return values.Functions with no arguments and no return value.A C function without any arguments means you cannot pass data (values like int, char etc) to the called function. Similarly, function with no return type does not pass back data to the calling function. It is one of the simplest types of function in C. This type of function which does not return any value cannot be used in an expression it can be used only as independent statement.Functions with arguments and no return value.A C function with arguments can perform much better than previous function type. This type of function can accept data from calling function. In other words, you send data to the called function from calling function but you cannot send result data back to the calling function. Rather, it displays the result on the terminal. But we can control the output of function by providing various values as arguments. Functions with arguments and return value.This type of function can send arguments (data) from the calling function to the called function and wait for the result to be returned back from the called function back to the calling function. And this type of function is mostly used in programming world because it can do two way communications; it can accept data as arguments as well as can send back data as return value. The data returned by the function can be used later in our program for further calculations. Functions with no arguments but returns value.We may need a function which does not take any argument but only returns values to the calling function then this type of function is useful. The best example of this type of function is "getchar()" library function which is declared in the header file "stdio.h". We can declare a similar library function of own. Functions that return multiple values.So far, we have learned and seen that in a function, return statement was able to return only single value. That is because; a return statement can return only one value. But if we want to send back more than one value then how we could do this? We have used arguments to send values to the called function, in the same way we can also use arguments to send back information to the calling function. The arguments that are used to send back data are called Output Parameters.It is a bit difficult for novice because this type of function uses pointer

What is the use of return function in C programming?

To return the exp. or const to the main fumction.

How many types of function in C?

Well, it depends on what you mean by the type of a function. There are user defined functions and library functions.

What is accumulator function in c language?

Normally the return value from the function is through the information from the accumulator.

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void mynullfunction () {;}

Write a program to return a function using class in C Plus Plus?

Classes cannot return values, only functions can return values. But you cannot return a function from a function, you can only return a function pointer -- a pointer variable holding the address of the function you wish to return. All possible return values must be of the same type, therefore all function signatures and return types must be exactly the same -- only the name of the functions can differ.

What is the difference between return 0 and return -1 in c?

If we consider any function that is not the main function that is declared as "bool" i.e it will return boolean values to the main function-0 & 1, meaning 'false' and 'true' respectively. If we have to tell the main function that the condition checked in the function is false or disagreed, then we return 0 to the main function and when we have to tell that the condition checked in the main function is true or agreed, then we return 1 to the main function.

How do you use return?

In C/C++ programming and most other procedural languages, you use a return statement to return control to the calling function. In the case of the global main function, a returnstatement terminates the program, releasing all memory used by the program and returning control to the execution environment.Functions that return void do not return a value and therefore do not require a return statement, unless the function needs to return early (before falling off the end of the function). Functions that return values must use a returnstatement to return the appropriate value to the caller.In C++ (but not in C), the global main function does not require a return statement unless returning early. When omitted, the global main function implicitly returns the value 0 (to the execution environment) when execution falls off the end of the function. To return any other value, a return statement is required.

Where do you use no argument no return in c function?

Where there is no need to return any type of value from a function

What is return statement under function in turbo C?

return 0

What are the different types of function in c plus plus programming?

There are five types of functions and they are:Functions with no arguments and no return values.Functions with arguments and no return values.Functions with arguments and return values.Functions that return multiple values.Functions with no arguments and return values.Functions with no arguments and no return value.A C function without any arguments means you cannot pass data (values like int, char etc) to the called function. Similarly, function with no return type does not pass back data to the calling function. It is one of the simplest types of function in C. This type of function which does not return any value cannot be used in an expression it can be used only as independent statement.Functions with arguments and no return value.A C function with arguments can perform much better than previous function type. This type of function can accept data from calling function. In other words, you send data to the called function from calling function but you cannot send result data back to the calling function. Rather, it displays the result on the terminal. But we can control the output of function by providing various values as arguments. Functions with arguments and return value.This type of function can send arguments (data) from the calling function to the called function and wait for the result to be returned back from the called function back to the calling function. And this type of function is mostly used in programming world because it can do two way communications; it can accept data as arguments as well as can send back data as return value. The data returned by the function can be used later in our program for further calculations. Functions with no arguments but returns value.We may need a function which does not take any argument but only returns values to the calling function then this type of function is useful. The best example of this type of function is "getchar()" library function which is declared in the header file "stdio.h". We can declare a similar library function of own. Functions that return multiple values.So far, we have learned and seen that in a function, return statement was able to return only single value. That is because; a return statement can return only one value. But if we want to send back more than one value then how we could do this? We have used arguments to send values to the called function, in the same way we can also use arguments to send back information to the calling function. The arguments that are used to send back data are called Output Parameters.It is a bit difficult for novice because this type of function uses pointer

What is the need for return statements in c?

It's not so much a need but a requirement. Every C function must contain at least one return statement, typically at the end of the function body (before the closing brace). However, a C function may have more than one return path, and each requires its own return statement. Note that it does not matter whether the function returns a value or not; even a function that returns void must have a return statement. In C++ the rules regarding return statements are more relaxed. Functions that return void do not require a return statement at all; when execution reaches the closing brace of a void function, a return statement is implied. All functions that return a value of any type other than void must have a return statement. The one exception to this rule is the global main function which must always return an int. If the global main function has no return statement then the value 0 is implicitly returned to the calling environment (the value 0 is typically used to indicate no error). However, if we need to return other values (including 0), then we must include a return statement. Functions that have multiple return paths are considered poor style and should be avoided. Functions are generally much easier to read and maintain when there is only one return path which should logically terminate at the very end of the function. However, eliminating multiple return paths can also produce more efficient machine code, particularly in functions with highly complex return paths. Eliminating multiple return paths needn't be difficult, we simply need to refactor the function such that each unique return path is representing by some function which returns the appropriate value. The calling function simply stores that value and returns it at the end of the function, thus simplifying the overall complexity of the calling function. Refactoring complex functions into smaller, simpler function calls is good style in and of itself; well-named, descriptive function calls result in code that is largely self-documenting and thus more abstract. Although function calls are themselves expensive, small and simple functions can be easily inline-expanded by the compiler's optimisers, so it's a win-win.

What is the use of return in function in c?

To return the exp. or const to the main fumction.

What is the definition for call by value in c language?

A function is called within a function either called by value or called by reference.When a function is called by passing the values of one or more variables,then the value is copied to a new var of the function's own var of its scope.Ex:void main(){...........c=fun(a,b);...}fun(int c,int d){ int t;t=c+d;return(t);}

How many types of function in C?

Well, it depends on what you mean by the type of a function. There are user defined functions and library functions.

What is the use of return function in C programming?

To return the exp. or const to the main fumction.