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Yes, but overloads cannot differ by return type alone. The signatures must differ by the number and/or the type of the arguments.

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Q: Can you overload static functions in c plus plus?
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Difference between procedure and function in C or C plus plus or Java language?

In C there are functions only, In Java methodsonly (static methods as well), in C++ both.

How unary minus can be overload in c plus plus?

type operator- ();

Which stream functions in c plus plus control the formatting of input and output values of a class?

None of them. To control the formatting of your classes, you must overload the stream insertion and extraction operators.

Can there be friend functions in c plus plus?

Yes, there can be friend functions in C++.

How many main functions can a c plus plus program have?

1. In C language, you cannot compile a source-file if it has two (or more) functions with the same name. 2. You cannot link a program if it has two (or more) global (ie: non-static) functions with the same name.

What is use of static functions in c in terms of memory?

your mom your mom

Why inline function cannot be static?

Inline functions can be static. However, their usage outside of classes in C++ has been deprecated (a hangover from C). Static member functions are allowed of course, and they can be inline expanded where desired. In C, a static function simply has limited scope within the same translation unit. In C++, unnamed namespaces are the preferred method of achieving the same end.

Printf and scanf Operators in C and C plus plus?

No, they are functions. Operators are -> or ++or /=

Why functions are not used in c plus plus?

Of course they are used. Both stand-alone and class-member functions are used in C++.

Static vs dynamic binding in c plus plus?

Static binding occurs at compile time. Dynamic binding occurs at runtime.

What is a method in c plus plus?

In C++, methods are simply class member functions.

What is the operator that cannot be overloaded in c plus plus and java?

conditional operator , size of operator , membership operator and scope resulation operator can not be overload in c++