I don't really understand your question, but for example the following code is perfectly legal:
float f;
for (f=0.0; f<=1.00001; f += 0.1) printf ("%g\n", f);
Constants are defines using the final keyword.Variables are defined using the one of the keywords:charbooleanintdoublelongintStringTo use a constant you would have to put in something likedouble final pi = 3.14;
By dereferencing the pointer variable. This can be achieved in two ways: typedef struct s { int i; float f; }; void f (struct s* p) { int x = p->i; /* using pointer to member operator */ float y = (*p).f; /* using dereference operator */ } The two methods are functionally equivalent.
long float myfun();
In C float a[8]; In Java float a[] = new float[8];
THIS IS FOR JAVA i don't know about anything about other languages yes it can be assignedthe syntax is:int (number) = (float) numberFOR EXAMPLE:int = a;a = (float ) 5.5;if the (float) is not there then in Java it gives an error saying precision loss of data type
float myVariable = 20.1234;
int* pint; // instantiate a pointer to an int. float* pflt; // instantiate a pointer to a float.
The increment operator in C++ is defined by operator++(). All arithmetic types (char, int, float, double, long, short, long long and long double) and all pointer types except void* are supported by operator++(). User-defined types can overload operator++() to provide support where required. operator++() has two versions, prefix increment and postfix increment. Prefix increment behaves as one would expect, incrementing the operand by 1 and returning the modified value. Postfix increment also increments the operand, however, the return value is the pre-incremented value. To understand the difference between prefix and postfix, consider the following: int i = 0; int j = ++i; // i=1, j=1 int i = 0; int j = i++; // i=1, j=0
Constants are defines using the final keyword.Variables are defined using the one of the keywords:charbooleanintdoublelongintStringTo use a constant you would have to put in something likedouble final pi = 3.14;
it is used to know the memory size of variable of data type. Ex: float a; printf ("sizeof (a)= %d\n", sizeof (a)); or: printf ("sizeof (float)= %d\n", sizeof (float));
By dereferencing the pointer variable. This can be achieved in two ways: typedef struct s { int i; float f; }; void f (struct s* p) { int x = p->i; /* using pointer to member operator */ float y = (*p).f; /* using dereference operator */ } The two methods are functionally equivalent.
long float myfun();
In C float a[8]; In Java float a[] = new float[8];
When assigning a literal value, such as 5.628, to a float variable, you can avoid the decimal truncation warning by either using the float form of the constant (float var = 5.628f), typecasting the assignment (float var = (float) 5.628), or by making the variable double (double var = 5.628).
A float variable can store both positive and negative numbers.
You can declare them one by one. However, if you want to store lots of related data, you may want to consider using an array, where you use a single variable name (for example) for 1000 different items, and a number called an index to access the individual items.