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no it can not

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Q: Can biodiesel produce less CO2 than is absorbed by the plants that made it?
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What does C4 plants require less of to produce the same amount of carbonhydrates?

It requires less water than c3 plants.

The disadvantage of using biodiesel?

Cost, it's less efficient than ULSD, conversion to biodiesel is expensive, it gels more easily than ULSD does.

What would most happen if green plants were exposed to less sunlight?

The chloroplasts would produce less energy.

How much does biodiesel weigh?

Biodiesel has a density 0.88 grams per cubic centimeter. This converts to about 7.34 pounds per gallon.

What are the immediate cost of biodiesel vs petroleum fuel?

well when you buy biodiesel it tends to be around $53... and petroleum fuel tends to be much less then that so if you are planning on drinking this then the cheaper one would have to be petroleum fuel :)

Do plants uptake nutrients during darkness?

No, plants primarily photosynthesize during the day to produce their own food using sunlight, carbon dioxide, and water. Nutrient uptake mostly occurs during the day when photosynthesis is active. However, there are some nutrients that can still be absorbed by plants during the night or in darkness, but at a slower rate.

Is bio diesel really good for the environment?

The biodiesel reduces the emissions of carbon monoxide by over 50 percent, driving down the pollution in the air. That is because the biodiesel emissions are from recycled carbon that was already in the atmosphere. The biodiesel also has a lot less hydrocarbons. With the biodiesel there is a 71 percent decrease in benzopyrenes.It is proven that biodiesel fuel can reduce as much as 20 percent of the direct tailpipe emission. The fuel also makes up between 10 and 25 percent more nitrogen oxide that are the tailpipe emissions than regular petrodiesel. Biodiesel has a higher cetane rating than the regular diesel fuel and the benefit of that would be that the car starts quicker with the biodiesel fuel than the standard.

What would most likely happen if green plants were exposed to longer days in sunlight?

what would most be likely happen if green plant were exposed to longer days in sunlight

Which color of light would you expect to produce the LOWEST rate of photosynthesis?

Green light would be expected to produce the lowest rate of photosynthesis as plants primarily absorb red and blue light for photosynthesis, while green light is reflected, making it less effective for driving photosynthetic processes.

Is Waste Vegetable Oil Considered Biomass?

Not really. Biomass refers to the waste products of plants which are burned to produce electricity. These include, bagasse, wood, brush, chaff or any other farm or agricultural production waste products. Vegetable, or cooking oil, waste is not an agricultural waste product. It is however a food waste, like garbage, which can be converted into biodiesel and glycerine, leaving less waste product to be disposed.

What are the advantages of switching to biodiesel equipment?

Biodiesel fuel is biodegradable, non toxic, is a renewable resource, emits less pollutants and fumes, and is economical. Because of the advantages it is easier on the environment and because it is non toxic with fewer fumes and pollutants it is safer to use around children.

Is biofuel good for the environment?

Generally I would say that it is good for the environment. The biodiesel reduces the emissions of carbon dioxide by over 50 percent, driving down the pollution in the air. That is because the biodiesel emissions are from recycled carbon that was already in the atmosphere. The biodiesel also has a lot less hydrocarbons. In fact, there are venture capitalist investing large amount of money on biofuels. Read more, click the link.