

Can a robot think for itself?

Updated: 9/16/2023
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Q: Can a robot think for itself?
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What is the difference between autonomous semiautonomous and manual robot?

An autonomous robot has complete control over its actions and can think for itself. It can learn and adapt very much like AI. A semiautonomous robot is controlled by its programming and is restricted to what its programming tells it. It can not learn further than a certain point. A manual robot is just that. A robot that must be controlled manually by someone or something. It needs to be told what to do, how to do it, and when to do it. It cannot learn or think for itself.

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Stop advancing technology to think for itself it will turn out bad and we will be even lazier and fatter

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Who is ROB on Mario?

A robot Who can drive itself

On robot wars arenas of destruction how do you sell a robot?

you sell your robot by going on robot trading i think its called and click sell but you have to have another robot

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they design a body and then software for the computer inside the robot itself to run on.

Can you get a robot in sims 2 without open for business?

No If you want to make a robot get a work table and I think if you have a bunch of 1 certain point then I think you can make a robot

Do humns have to do anything to make a robot work?

Humans, by definition, do everything that makes a robot work. A robot cannot build itself, unless we make it capable of such a feat.

The worldest first humanoid robot made by Honda cojapan?

I think the robot you are after is ASIMO.

How do you build a simple robot that moves by itself?

It depends on how simple you want the robot to be. It could be as simple as a battery a DC motor and wheels or a simple robot with legs that are controlled with a micro-controller.

What type of robot do you think makes the most significant contribution to your lives today and why?

A ROBOT that can do anything..

What task does a robot car perform and is it similar to a human function?

It can drive by itself!