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Q: Can a rat fit through a biro pen?
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What size hole can a rat fit through?

It might sound crazy but an adult rat can fit through a 1/2 inch space! I don't think a 1/2 x 1/2 hole, but definitely a horizontal space that tall. Hope this helped!

Can a rat fit under your door?

Yes, a rat can fit under a door if there is enough of a gap between the bottom of the door and the floor. Rats are agile and can squeeze through small spaces, so it's important to seal any gaps to prevent their entry into your home.

Where can you find a lv 2 rat on runescape?

There are some in a pen somewhere near varrock.

Do rat pegs fit grit scooter?


Is a cage with bars 1 inch apart ok for a rat?

How you can tell if the cage bars are to far apart is if its head can fit through them than the gap is to big

Will a rat scooter wheel fit on a razor?

Yes if 100mm

Do rat pegs fit mgp team edition?

most defietly.

Why are you sitting on the rat?

because you are trying to get it to fit in your bum hole =D

What should you do about the wild rat chewing through your rabbits cage?

kill the rat

What animal can go through a maze faster rat or ferret?

A ferret can go through a maze faster than a rat. Though the ferret would eat the rat first

Can a full grown rat fit into a hamster cage?

No. Hamster rat cage don't have enough space to pet rats. You can use Midwest Critter Nation rat cage. It has plenty of space to play and move around. You can check the reviews here- bestratpoisons. com/rat-cage-for-2-rats

What is Ganesha's transport?

Mouse / Rat is Ganesha's transport. Few reasons for it are: 1. The mouse or rat represents ignorance. Ganesha riding atop the rat represents control over ignorance, or transcendence of ignorance. 2. Ganesha is the Remover of Obstacles, and this is not only represented by his association with the powerful elephant, but also with the cunning mouse who can fit through small holes.