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An Abstract class is similar to an interface. You cannot instantiate them, but you can extend them. Any class that extends the abstract class has to provide the implementation to the abstract methods. Hence these classes can be used as a skeleton to similar classes where some common functionality may be required. Such functionality can also be embedded into these classes. Unlike interfaces, abstract classes can have method code also. So they are very useful.

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14y ago

There sure can be, though it is generally considered bad style to do so.

A source file with this code in it should compile without complaint:

abstract class MyAbstractClass {


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13y ago

Yes. But cannot extend both of them at the same time. Meaning you can extend only one class at a time and that class can be abstract class or concrete class.

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Q: Can a class in java extend both abstract class and concrete class?
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What is an abstract class Write the syntax Declare a pure virtual function in an abstract class?

an abstract class is nothing but class which contains both abstract and concrete methods for abstract class we r nt create object Syntax for pure abstract class is abstract class x { public void abstract y(); public void abstract z(); public void abc() { }

What are the differences between an abstract class and an interface in java?

They are very different. An abstract class is a class that represents an abstract concept (google define "abstract" if you're unsure) such as 'Thoughts' or 'BankAccount'. When a class is defined as abstract it cannot be used (directly) to create an object. Abstract classes are used as super-classes so that all of their subclasses inherit all methods. Interfaces can be thought of as contracts with all of their implementing classes. They simply require all implementing classes to have methods with the same signature as that defined in the interface, but such methods can behave as appropriate. Hope that helps :)

What is the difference between an interface and an abstract class?

We can't instantiate both interfaces and abstract classes.The only one difference between them is that an interface can't contain concrete(fully defined) methods where as an abstract class may contain them.An abstract class not necessarily contain abstract methods. we can make a class as abstract class even it does not has any abstract methods.When there is a need to write both abstract and concrete methods in a single unit we have to use an abstract class instead of an interface since an interface cant contain concrete methods.All the fields(or properties) of an interface are by default 'static final' even when you don't mention explicitly. And all methods are 'public abstract'.But in an abstract class we can have any type of fields and methods.

What can be declared in an abstract class?

Abstract classes are to be extended until to a concrete class.Can have both abstract & non abstract methods.An Abstract class can not be instantiated.A non abstract class can be extended to an abstract class.If At least one abstract method present in a class then that class must be abstract.abstract & final modifiers can never be together.abstract classes can have both abstract methods & non abstract methods.

What are abstract classin java?

An Abstract class is a special kind of class that cannot be instantiated. It has one or more methods which are not implemented in the class. These methods are declared abstract and they do not contain any code inside them.Ex:abstract class Parent {public abstract String getSon();public abstract String getDaughter();........//More methods that contain specific behaviour/code in them}The above is an abstract class "Parent" that has a lot of functionality but it has declared two abstract methods which have no code inside them. Any class that has one or more abstract methods has to be abstract. This abstract class cannot be instantiated.i.e., the below piece of code will not work. The code will not even compile.Parent object = new Parent();Purpose of Abstract Classes:Abstract classes are generally used where you want an amount of behaviour to be used by the class that extends the abstract class while at the same time giving options to the child class to provide a certain amount of behaviour itself.A Child Class extending the Abstract Class:public class Child extends Parent {public String getSon() {return "Sons Name";}public String getDaughter(){return "Daughters Name";}...... //Code specific to the Child class}

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What is an abstract class Write the syntax Declare a pure virtual function in an abstract class?

an abstract class is nothing but class which contains both abstract and concrete methods for abstract class we r nt create object Syntax for pure abstract class is abstract class x { public void abstract y(); public void abstract z(); public void abc() { }

What are the differences between an abstract class and an interface in java?

They are very different. An abstract class is a class that represents an abstract concept (google define "abstract" if you're unsure) such as 'Thoughts' or 'BankAccount'. When a class is defined as abstract it cannot be used (directly) to create an object. Abstract classes are used as super-classes so that all of their subclasses inherit all methods. Interfaces can be thought of as contracts with all of their implementing classes. They simply require all implementing classes to have methods with the same signature as that defined in the interface, but such methods can behave as appropriate. Hope that helps :)

How are concrete and abstract nouns the same?

Both concrete and abstract nouns are words for things. Both concrete and abstract nouns can be singular or plural. Both concrete and abstract nouns can be common nouns or proper nouns. Both concrete and abstract nouns function in a sentence as the subject of the sentence or clause, and as the object of a verb or a preposition.

What is the difference between an interface and an abstract class?

We can't instantiate both interfaces and abstract classes.The only one difference between them is that an interface can't contain concrete(fully defined) methods where as an abstract class may contain them.An abstract class not necessarily contain abstract methods. we can make a class as abstract class even it does not has any abstract methods.When there is a need to write both abstract and concrete methods in a single unit we have to use an abstract class instead of an interface since an interface cant contain concrete methods.All the fields(or properties) of an interface are by default 'static final' even when you don't mention explicitly. And all methods are 'public abstract'.But in an abstract class we can have any type of fields and methods.

Is you are taking your backpack to class tomorrow an abstract noun?

The abstract noun in the sentence is tomorrow, but here it is used as an adverb (when you go). Backpack and class are both concrete nouns, things you can physically sense. *The word "class" can be an abstract noun, when it refers to sophistication (e.g. high class) or when it is a taxonomic term (classification of living things).

What can be declared in an abstract class?

Abstract classes are to be extended until to a concrete class.Can have both abstract & non abstract methods.An Abstract class can not be instantiated.A non abstract class can be extended to an abstract class.If At least one abstract method present in a class then that class must be abstract.abstract & final modifiers can never be together.abstract classes can have both abstract methods & non abstract methods.

Can you define a class as final and abstract both?

Yes, a class can be defined as final and abstract also.

is a paper is a abstract or concree?

A paper can contain both abstract and concrete elements. The abstract aspect refers to the overall topic, thesis, and conceptual framework of the paper, while the concrete aspect involves specific evidence, examples, and data used to support the arguments made in the paper. Both abstract and concrete components are important for a well-rounded and effective paper.

What is the abstract form of drive?

The noun 'drive' is both a concrete and an abstract noun. Examples: concrete noun: You take Murphy Drive to the light and make a left. abstract noun: He has the drive to get the job done.

What is the concrete and abstract noun in this sentence you had a question about something?

The abstract noun is question.There is no concrete noun in the sentence. The words 'you' and 'something' are both pronouns, words that take the place of nouns.

Is the diction concrete or abstract of the poem The Raven?

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What are abstract classin java?

An Abstract class is a special kind of class that cannot be instantiated. It has one or more methods which are not implemented in the class. These methods are declared abstract and they do not contain any code inside them.Ex:abstract class Parent {public abstract String getSon();public abstract String getDaughter();........//More methods that contain specific behaviour/code in them}The above is an abstract class "Parent" that has a lot of functionality but it has declared two abstract methods which have no code inside them. Any class that has one or more abstract methods has to be abstract. This abstract class cannot be instantiated.i.e., the below piece of code will not work. The code will not even compile.Parent object = new Parent();Purpose of Abstract Classes:Abstract classes are generally used where you want an amount of behaviour to be used by the class that extends the abstract class while at the same time giving options to the child class to provide a certain amount of behaviour itself.A Child Class extending the Abstract Class:public class Child extends Parent {public String getSon() {return "Sons Name";}public String getDaughter(){return "Daughters Name";}...... //Code specific to the Child class}