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No. Java is 100% OOP while C++ supports the concept of primitives (which it inherited from C). Thus C++ supports far more features than Java, but it does not support any more OOP features than Java. Note that there are only four primary OOP features: encapsulation, abstraction, inheritance and polymorphism. Anything beyond that is implementation-specific and outwith the scope of OOP.

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No. Java is much more object oriented than C++... but...

It depends on whether you are looking at the language or the platform...

Object Orientatation (OO) is more a state of mind that a specific language. You can be OO in Assembler, and not OO in a pure OO environment such as SmallTalk. The language is simply an aid to writing OO, but it does not make one an OO programmer. Some languages are better at OO than others - C++, Java, and Smalltalk are three examples.

In the case of Java vs C++, the two languages are, with three exceptions, identical in syntax. Those exceptions are templates, multiple inheritance, and pointers vs references. Also, because Java does not support pointers, there is no pointer to member (->) operator. On this basis, Java and C++ are very nearly identical in terms of OO'ness.

On the other hand, the platforms and run-time libraries are distinctly different, and it can be said on that basis that Java is much more object oriented than C++.

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Q: C plus plus supports more object oriented Programming features as compared to JAVA?
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What is object based programming language?

Object-based programming language is a language that supports all the features of object oriented programming features like classes,object,encapsulation ,abstraction,polymorphism etc except inheritence.

What makes JAVA a popular programming language?

Java supports object oriented programming. It also has many API( Application Programming Interface) that add to the functionality. It follows the paradigm of code once and run anywhere i.e. it is platform independent. For more information, visit the link below:

Why is C plus plus called an object oriented programming language?

Any language that supports class types, private and protected data, inheritance, polymorphism, function overriding, virtual methods is regarded as an object oriented programming language. However, while C++ supports OOP, it does not rely on it. You can mix C++ and C-style code (non-OOP) in the same program.

How is c plus plus built?

C++ object oriented programming (OOP) language and supports three kinds of object types 1) Fundamental Types. 2) Derived Types. 3) Class Types.

What is unicode in java?

Java Supports International programming so java supports Unicode

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Java supports object oriented programming. It also has many API( Application Programming Interface) that add to the functionality. It follows the paradigm of code once and run anywhere i.e. it is platform independent. For more information, visit the link below:

Why is C plus plus called an object oriented programming language?

Any language that supports class types, private and protected data, inheritance, polymorphism, function overriding, virtual methods is regarded as an object oriented programming language. However, while C++ supports OOP, it does not rely on it. You can mix C++ and C-style code (non-OOP) in the same program.

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Yes, it is object-oriented, but it is not 100% object-oriented because it supports the concept of primitive variables (which it inherits from C) such as char, int and bool, as well as pointer variables. In a 100% object-oriented language, these primitives would be implemented as objects, as they are in C# and Java. C++ is best described as a hybrid of procedural, structured and object-oriented programming paradigms.

How is c plus plus built?

C++ object oriented programming (OOP) language and supports three kinds of object types 1) Fundamental Types. 2) Derived Types. 3) Class Types.