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Q: Associativity has no role to play unless the precedence of operator isHow much memory is required to store a value of type double?
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Convert the formula of Celsius to Fahrenheit in operator precedence in java?

import java.util.Scanner; public class Fahrenheit { public static void main(String args[]) { Scanner s=new Scanner(; System.out.println("Enter the temperature in Celsius scale"); double f= s.nextDouble(); double c; c=(f-32)/1.8; System.out.println("Fahrenheit"); System.out.println( f); } }

Does The modulus operator can be used with a long double?

No. Nor with float or double. Use function dreml (or remainderl).

What character is used in an OR operator?

The logical OR operator in C and Java is the double vertical bar ().Example: if (s 0) do somethingThe operator applies a logical OR operator when it evaluates the expression.

Do you need to show a passport on a coach from dublin to London?

No, but double check with the coach operator.

What is i plus 1 operator in C plus plus?

The increment operator in C++ is defined by operator++(). All arithmetic types (char, int, float, double, long, short, long long and long double) and all pointer types except void* are supported by operator++(). User-defined types can overload operator++() to provide support where required. operator++() has two versions, prefix increment and postfix increment. Prefix increment behaves as one would expect, incrementing the operand by 1 and returning the modified value. Postfix increment also increments the operand, however, the return value is the pre-incremented value. To understand the difference between prefix and postfix, consider the following: int i = 0; int j = ++i; // i=1, j=1 int i = 0; int j = i++; // i=1, j=0

In what sport would it required a double to finish?


When is double hearing protection required?

104 dbs

Which is the easy insertion operator single linked-list or double-linked list?

It is easier to insert into a singly linked list.

What is the salary of a machine operator in USA?

You are right. I would also include the industry that the operator works in. You do not make clear what to include in your salary question? Whether you want the hourly rate of pay for the job or whether you want to include benefits which will nearly double the hourly rate. A good # to use is $10.00 to $15.00 not including benefits & insurance for a basic machine operator's job. The salary of a machine operator depends on the type of machine being operated, the region of the US in which the operator is located, and the company the operator is working for.

How may the double variables temp weight and age be defined on one statement?

Use the comma operator: double temp {1.0}, weight {5.5}, age {21.0};

In which sport might you be required to finish with a double?

In the sport of darts, a player is required to finish with a double by hitting a double-bedded segment on the dartboard to win the match.

What is the use of the double plus sign?

In mathematical papers I've seen it used as a binary operator that adds an element to an ordered set (a list).