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The turbines (mills) themselves are non-renewable but the wind the power source that is converted into useful work (usually electricity) is renewable.

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Q: Are wind mills renewable or non-renewable?
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Is wind nonrenewable?

No, wind is renewable.

Is wind nonrenewable renewable?

renewable because its just wind .

Is wind renewable nonrenewable or inexhaustible?

Well we all know is not nonrenewable but all i think it's renewable or inexhaustible i think both.

Is power from a Wind turbine a nonrenewable energy source?

no it renewable

How is wind nonrenewable?

It never was.Wind is a renewable/flow resource.

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Is a wind mill nonrenewable energy?

Wind turbines produce renewable energy. Energy is considered renewable when it is created by a source that is inexhaustible.

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wind and water r renewable medal and gas are non renwable

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renewable resource

What types of resources are renewable and nonrenewable?

Renewable Resources: -Solar Radiation -Wind Non-Renewable Resources: -Coal -Natural Gas

Is wind renewable are nonrenewable?

Like solar power, it renews. You don't use up all the wind.

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Renewable means wind or sunshine, which keep on coming even if we use them to produce energy.So antimony is non-renewable.