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The Standard Library includes the Standard Template Library (STL). Therefore no, there are no STL headers that are not part of the Standard Library.

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Q: Are there any STL headers which are not part of the C plus plus Standard Library?
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How do you get the c plus plus standard library on your compiler?


What is the Main purpose of complex.h header file in c plus plus?

The complex header implements complex numbers. Complex numbers are represented by the expression a + bi where a and b are real numbers and i is an imaginary unit that satisfies the constant expression i squared = -1. Complex numbers allow imaginary solutions to expressions that have no actual solution. For instance, (x + 1) squared = -9 has no real solution, but does have two imaginary solutions when x = (a + bi), where a is -1 and b can be 3 or -3. Note that library headers with an h extension are pre-standard headers. After standardisation, all library headers dropped the h extension including the complex header. Older compilers may still provide both versions of a library header, but in this day and age you should always use the standardised headers (no extension). #include<complex.h> // non-standard #include<complex> // standardised

C plus plus program to perform string manipulation?

You do not need to program string manipulation as it is already part of the standard library. See std::string and std::wstring.

How do you enter a sentence as input in c plus plus?

Use the C++ getline() function from the standard library.

How do the IO facilities in C plus plus differ from those in C?

The C standard library IO facilities are not extensible. For instance, the printf() and scanf() functions cannot handle user-defined types. However, the C++ standard library provides IO streams with insertion and extraction operators (<< and >>) that can be overloaded to support any user-defined type.

Related questions

Is there a function similar to the C plus plus scanf function in JavaScript?

Scanf is part of the C standard library. Although the C++ standard library includes 18 headers from the ISO C90 standard, their usage in C++ is deprecated. However, to answer the question, there is no equivalent to scanf in JavaScript.

What is the c plus plus standard template library package you call to use the console for input and output?

The Standard Template Library does not provide routines or packages for I/O. You are probably thinking iostreams library, using cin and cout, which is part of the RunTime Library, but not part of the STL.

How do you get the c plus plus standard library on your compiler?


What is the Main purpose of complex.h header file in c plus plus?

The complex header implements complex numbers. Complex numbers are represented by the expression a + bi where a and b are real numbers and i is an imaginary unit that satisfies the constant expression i squared = -1. Complex numbers allow imaginary solutions to expressions that have no actual solution. For instance, (x + 1) squared = -9 has no real solution, but does have two imaginary solutions when x = (a + bi), where a is -1 and b can be 3 or -3. Note that library headers with an h extension are pre-standard headers. After standardisation, all library headers dropped the h extension including the complex header. Older compilers may still provide both versions of a library header, but in this day and age you should always use the standardised headers (no extension). #include<complex.h> // non-standard #include<complex> // standardised

C plus plus program to perform string manipulation?

You do not need to program string manipulation as it is already part of the standard library. See std::string and std::wstring.

What has the author Mark Nelson written?

Mark Nelson has written: 'C++ programmer's guide to the standard template library' -- subject(s): C++ (Computer program language), Standard template library, C. 'C [plus plus] programmer's guide to the Standard Template Library' -- subject(s): C.

How do you enter a sentence as input in c plus plus?

Use the C++ getline() function from the standard library.

What are the pre-defined function in c plus plus?

The C++ standard library contains all the pre-defined functions.

What is the extension of a C plus plus file?

.h for headers, .cpp or .cc for sources

How do you include all headers in c plus plus?

Other than by including each header individually there is no way to include all headers. However, there is no practical reason to include all headers; it would increase compile times for no good reason. Only include those headers that you actually need, and only in the specific source files that require them. Remember also that headers often depend upon other headers, so there's no reason to include those that are already included.

What is STL in c plus plus?

Standard Template Library. The STL basically provides templates for common containers, such as lists and queues, as well as functions, iterators and algorithms.

What are the c plus plus standard libraries?

The C++ standard library provides all the standard, generic and fundamental functions, classes and storage containers that you need in order to write non-trivial code. You could "roll your own" functions, classes and storage containers (often a useful exercise for new programmers to learn how the standard library actually works), but for experienced programmers they are an enormous time-saver and the implementations are extremely efficient.