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Q: Are a series of ramps a compound machine?
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What are facts about ramps?

Ramps are considered to be a simple machine. It uses an inclined plane to quickly move items. Wheelchair ramps represent a traditional example of this slope.

What is a computer a simple machine or a compound machine?

its a compound machine

Is pliers a compound machine?

i think it is not a compound machine

Is a motorcycle a simple or compound machine?

because im not sure and how to make it or fix it and what are the parts

How are the input and output forces of the parts of a compound machine related?

In a compound machine, the output force of one part becomes the input force for the next part. This allows the overall machine to multiply the force applied to it by using a series of simple machines working together. The output force of the compound machine is the product of all the individual input forces and mechanical advantages of each part.

Is a microwave simple or compound machine?

Simple machine

Is a lawn mower a compound machine?

Yes, it is a compound machine.

What is a sentences using compound machine?

Here is a compound machine.

Is an x-ray machine a compound machine?

Yes. An x-ray is a compound machine.

Is a sewing machine a compound machine?

Not all sewing machines are compound machines. The definition of a compound machine is one the contains more than one machine within the same case. A machine that is not only a sewing machine but also an embroidery machine would be considered a compound sewing machine. A really good compound sewing machine is the Husqvarna Diamond sewing machine.

Is a grocery cart a compound machine or a simple machine?

Its a simple machine machine i could see where your coming from thinking it is a compound machine. But i mean it is simple. Now i know a couple stores have compound machine

Is a coffee maker a compound machine?

It's not a compound machine.