i dnt knw..
In real life application, isometric drawing is used in the design of the video games.
because of our new inventions.. we can improve our daily lives
Chainsaws, Alarms and car alarms when you are driving without seatbelt.
application of arithmetic progression in daily life ?
Life runs of sunlight (radiant heat energy) without it you would not have a daily life, indeed no day and no night.,
i dnt knw..
used in auto mobiles
air dryer
what are the real life examples of order staistics
You don't normally apply integration, or other advanced math topics, in your daily life, unless your "daily life" includes work in the science or engineering area.
the application of a median is eating snacks and reserving foods until next year
It affected their daily lives by the heat and that they will die
the cutting edge of knives ,blades, axes etc.