

Best Answer is used to find self-inductance and internal resistance

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Q: Anderson Bridge for measuring inductance and resistance?
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Maxwell's inductance capacitance bridge?

The Maxwell Bridge is known as an AC bridge. This bridge is used to find the self inductance and the whole amount of a circuit.

Are there any other methods for measuring resistance?

An Ohm Meter.

Self inductance of a given coil by Andersons method?

Anderson's Bridge is an AC bridge. It is used to measure self inductance of a coil using a capacitor and resistors. The bridge continuously balances itself by a steady current through a moving coil galvanometer replacing a headphone and a battery replacing an A.C. source. The resistance is adjusted until the currents two specific resistors in the center of the arrange are the same. Then inductive balance is achieved by using the A.C. source and headphone in their respective positions.

Why should you never measure resistance in a circuit carrying a current?

Ideally true, but seldom so. The vast majority of resistance meters use current to measure resistance and just use V=IR to give R - the resistor is in a circuit carrying current. The only method that does not have a current through the resistance, it actually relies on the fact, is a Wheatstone bridge. The most important reason for not having a current is that you will be using a current in most cases, to meaure the resistance. Current from another source will screw the reading. Also, with a current flowing, you are not measuring resistance - you are measuring impedance - a combination of inductance and resistance.

Which bridge is used to find mutual inductance?

heavy side campbell bridge

Related questions

Anderson's bridge used to measure self inductance?

we can find the value of inductance varying two varient resistance r & R by stoping the voic of beep in anderson's bridge then L=CR(Q+2r) here C & Q are fixed capicitance & resistance in bridge..........

What is difference between maxwell bridge and hay bridge?

A Maxwell Bridge , also known as the Maxwell-Wien Bridge, is an AC bridge circuit used for measuring an unknown inductance by balancing the loads of its four arms, one of which contains the unknown inductance. A Hay Bridge is an AC bridge circuit used for measuring an unknown inductance by balancing the loads of its four arms, one of which contains the unknown inductance. One of the arms of a Hay Bridge has a capacitor of known characteristics, which is the principal component used for determining the unknown inductance value.

What is the main idea in Maxwell bridge?

The main idea of the Maxwell bridge is to measure an unknown inductance by comparing it with a known inductance and resistance in a bridge circuit. By balancing the bridge, the unknown inductance can be determined by the ratio of the two inductances.

What are the other bridges to be find the unknown inductance?

anderson bridge is ac or dc

Maxwell's inductance capacitance bridge?

The Maxwell Bridge is known as an AC bridge. This bridge is used to find the self inductance and the whole amount of a circuit.

How can you determine resistance of inductor in single phase with DC source?

Your question is confusing -is the inductor supplied with a.c. or d.c.?In either case, you can determine the inductance of an inductor by disconnecting it, and measuring its resistance with an ohmmeter. If you want a really accurate value of resistance, you could use a Wheatstone Bridge, instead.

What is Wheatstone's bridge?

The wheatstone bridge is an instrument used to measure electrical resistance by means of balancing a bridge circuit. The bridge circuit contains two legs, one of which contains the unknown resistance. Variations in wheatstone bridge can be employed to measure inductance, capacitance, and impedance also.

What is a Wheatstone?

The wheatstone bridge is an instrument used to measure electrical resistance by means of balancing a bridge circuit. The bridge circuit contains two legs, one of which contains the unknown resistance. Variations in wheatstone bridge can be employed to measure inductance, capacitance, and impedance also.

How do you measure inductance of a coil?

Type your answer here... By use an inductance meter or an inductance bridge

What is inductance comparsion bridge and its application?

It is used to measure the inductance of a coil of unknown inductance.

Are there any other methods for measuring resistance?

An Ohm Meter.

Self inductance of a given coil by Andersons method?

Anderson's Bridge is an AC bridge. It is used to measure self inductance of a coil using a capacitor and resistors. The bridge continuously balances itself by a steady current through a moving coil galvanometer replacing a headphone and a battery replacing an A.C. source. The resistance is adjusted until the currents two specific resistors in the center of the arrange are the same. Then inductive balance is achieved by using the A.C. source and headphone in their respective positions.