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A: Analogue is a signal DC with varying amplitudes. Digital is a state defined as true or false or machine language '1' '0' Digital must change states to supply information while analogue it has only to change amplitude

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11y ago

Digital signals have discrete encoded states that they switch between. They can only assume the defined encoded values. Errors can often be easily detected and sometimes corrected.

Analog signals are continuous and change smoothly from one value to another, passing through all intermediate values. There is no way to identify errors.

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13y ago

A digital signal can only ever have two values, on or off, representing binary 1 and 0 respecively.

For instance in a system where +5v is classed as on and 0v is classed as off, the voltage on the line for a digital signal will only ever be +5v or 0v

An analogue signal can be on or off or any value in between

Taking the same example as above, an analogue signal could validly have a value of +2.7v or +1.4v or any other value between 0v and +5v inclusive

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12y ago

An analog signal can assume any value between two limits. (Continuous)

A digital signal can assume one of two values. (Binary)

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Q: Analog signal vs digital signal
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What is Analog display?

Has hands vs digital.

What is the difference between digital and analog voltage?

Analogue scales use mechanical components such as springs or levers to determine weight and display their measurements with a moving dial or with graduated beams and sliding weights (poises). Digital scales use an electronic load sensor such as a load cell to determine weight and convert this to a digital signal to be displayed on an LCD or LED. Notice that this is not the same as digital vs analog when it comes to electrical circuits. Scales which use electrical power to function, but are not digital (no microprocessors) are simply called Electronic Scales, not Analog Scales. The term Analog Scale in the industry typically refers to mechanical scales. Digital and electronic scales are more common these days as their price to performance ratio has greatly improved. They are also much easier to use than older analog scales. Accuracy is not a matter of analog or digital and both can be accurate or inaccurate depending on several factors just like a digital and an analog wrist watch can both have the wrong time. Generally speaking though, digital scales offer much finer display resolution.

What is difference between analog and digital communication system?

Analog systems are what we can call wave systems. they have a value that changes steadily over time and can have one of an infinite set of values in a range. The term digital refers to the fact that the signal is limited to only a few possible values. in general, digit signals are represented by only voltages on a wire -0 volts ( which we called " binary o " or just "o" ) and 5 volts ( which we call " binary 1 " or just"1" ).

What is the difference between image processing and digital image processing?

Digital uses mega pixels ... vs film resolution is based on the area u have to record the image

What is power spectral density?

power spectral density (PSD), which describes how the power of a signal or time series is distributed with frequency. Here power can be the actual physical power, or more often, for convenience with abstract signals, can be defined as the squared value of the signal, that is, as the actual power if the signal was a voltage applied to a 1-ohm load.Since a signal with nonzero average power is not square integrable, the Fourier transforms do not exist in this case. Fortunately, the Wiener-Khinchin theorem provides a simple alternative. The PSD is the Fourier transform of the autocorrelation function, R(Ï„), of the signal if the signal can be treated as a wide-sense stationary random process.The power of the signal in a given frequency band can be calculated by integrating over positive and negative frequencies.The power spectral density of a signal exists if and only if the signal is a wide-sense stationary process. If the signal is not stationary, then the autocorrelation function must be a function of two variables, so no PSD exists, but similar techniques may be used to estimate a time-varying spectral density.

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What is Analog display?

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Does the quality of HDMI cable make a difference...Monster vs. Generic?

No. It matters only when you are dealing with an analog signal. With digital signals the signal is there or its not. There is no improvement by choosing the really expensive monster cables.

digital video camera vs analog.?

Yes, the picture quality of a digital video camera is a lot better than an analog camera. They are fantastic for filming sports events.

What is a digital micrometer used to measure?

The digital micrometer just like the analog micrometer is used to measure thicknesses, diameters, etc. The main difference is that it is easier for the user to read (as is true of most digital vs. analog things).

Audio and Video Converter Cables?

These days, audio and video cables seem to come in every shape and size under the sun. Whether you are trying to connect a new DVD player to an old TV or an old VCR to a new HDTV, there are plenty of options for how to connect all of your audio and video devices.Analog vs. Digital CablesMost connectors of older audio and video equipment is analog, meaning a variable change in voltage across a line. This is in contrsat to newer equipment which is digital, meaning a series of 1's and 0's across the line. These two methods are a bit tricky. Analog connectors can easily be transferred to other analog sources. An example of this would be a headphone to RCA adapter to connect, say, an iPod to a theater system through two Red and White cables. Digital cables can also be interchanged fairly easily as well, such as a DVI to HDMI cable, typically used to connect an older computer with a newer TV. The problem comes in, however, when you are converting from an analog signal to a digital signal.Connector BoxesTypically, in order to convert an analog signal to a digital signal, a converter box must be used. A converter box takes the analog signal and is able to create a digital signal from that, though these boxes due take up a bit of space (typically ranging in size from a deck of cards to a power supply size). One problem that occasionally comes up with digital converters is copy protection. Some standards, such as HDMI, have an optional Anti-Piracy flag that content makers and delivery systems can implement (DVD makers, DVD Players, Cable Boxes, etc.). These are in an effort to prevent High Definition signals from easily being copied. Special boxes can be purchased that are able to circumvent these protections, though they are extremely expensive and their legality may be subject to varying laws depending on where you live.Overall, it is typically fairly easy to convert signals from the sources available to what is needed. Often times these can be purchaesd at a local electronics store or online for much cheaper. Whether you are converting from analog to digtial, digital to digital, or analog to analog, typically the right cable is only a little bit of research away.

What is the difference between digital and analog voltage?

Analogue scales use mechanical components such as springs or levers to determine weight and display their measurements with a moving dial or with graduated beams and sliding weights (poises). Digital scales use an electronic load sensor such as a load cell to determine weight and convert this to a digital signal to be displayed on an LCD or LED. Notice that this is not the same as digital vs analog when it comes to electrical circuits. Scales which use electrical power to function, but are not digital (no microprocessors) are simply called Electronic Scales, not Analog Scales. The term Analog Scale in the industry typically refers to mechanical scales. Digital and electronic scales are more common these days as their price to performance ratio has greatly improved. They are also much easier to use than older analog scales. Accuracy is not a matter of analog or digital and both can be accurate or inaccurate depending on several factors just like a digital and an analog wrist watch can both have the wrong time. Generally speaking though, digital scales offer much finer display resolution.

3 How is digital radio different than the types of radio that came before It?

The way the signal is transmitted and processed. FM radios are transmitted via signal generators and amplifiers on the ground while digital radio like Sirius or AM are transmitted via satellites. The digital signals are sent in packets vs. lower frequency radio waves.

What is the difference between analog and digital recording?

Although over 50 years old, the standard television signal is still one of the most common way to transmit an image. Figure 23-9 shows how the television signal appears on an oscilloscope. This is called composite video, meaning that there are vertical and horizontal synchronization (sync) pulses mixed with the actual picture information. These pulses are used in the television receiver to synchronize the vertical and horizontal deflection circuits to match the video being displayed. Each second of standard video contains 30 complete images, commonly called frames. A video engineer would say that each frame contains 525 lines, the television jargon for what programmers call rows. This number is a little deceptive because only 480 to 486 of these lines contain video information; the remaining 39 to 45 lines are reserved for sync pulses to keep the television's circuits synchronized with the video signal.Standard television uses an interlaced format to reduce flicker in the displayed image. This means that all the odd lines of each frame are transmitted first, followed by the even lines. The group of odd lines is called the odd field, and the group of even lines is called the even field.

Disadvantages vs advantages of digital techniques?

Advantages of Digital - ? Less expensive ? More reliable ? Easy to manipulate ? Flexible ? Compatibility with other digital systems ? Only digitised information can be transported through a noisy channel without degradation ? Integrated networks Disadvantages of Digital - ? Sampling Error ? Digital communications require greater bandwidth than analogue to transmit the same information. ? The detection of digital signals requires the communications system to be synchronised, whereas generally speaking this is not the case with analogue systems. Definition of Analogue - Analogue is a transmission standard that uses electrical impulses to emulate the audio waveform of sound. When you use a phone, the variations in your voice are transformed by a microphone into similar variations in an electrical signal and carried down the line to the exchange. Read more: What are the advantages and disadvantages of analog vs. digital communication? | Answerbag

How do you grapple on Smackdown vs Raw ds?

if u have wwe smackdown vs raw 2008 it is circle

How do you drag on Smackdown vs Raw 2008?

press the Right analog stick down

What is difference between analog and digital communication system?

Analog systems are what we can call wave systems. they have a value that changes steadily over time and can have one of an infinite set of values in a range. The term digital refers to the fact that the signal is limited to only a few possible values. in general, digit signals are represented by only voltages on a wire -0 volts ( which we called " binary o " or just "o" ) and 5 volts ( which we call " binary 1 " or just"1" ).