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Water (hydro electricity from dams).

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Q: An example of a renewable energy source?
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Example of a renewable energy source?


Geothermal energy is an example of what energy source?

Renewable Natural Energy

Is land an example of renewable energy source?

A land is indirectly a source of energy. It is a renewable source of elements that gives, among other benefits, energy to the living creatures, the lively beings.

Is solar energy non renewable energy source?

no its a renewable source of energy

An example pf a renewable energy source is?

Wind power, hydropower, solar energy

What is the difference between renewable energy and non renewable sources of energy?

renewable source of energy can be regenerated but non-renewable source of energy can not be regenerated.

Is wave energy a renewable source of energy?

Yes, wave energy (hydro-power) is a renewable source of energy.

What is a energy source that is replenished continually?

Solar energy is a renewable energy source that is replenished continually through the sun's rays. It can be harnessed through solar panels to generate electricity without depleting the source.

Does a wind turbine use a renewable source of energy?

yes because wind is a renewable source of energy

Is wind energy a non-renewable source?

No, wind is a renewable energy source. The wind will always be blowing!

An example of a readily renewable resource is?

An example of a readily renewable resource is solar energy. Solar energy is derived from the sun's radiation and is continuously replenished, making it an abundant and sustainable source of power.

How is plants and animals renewable source of energy?

it is not renewable