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Q: A significant and powerful aspect of the Java language is?
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Is the java is procedural language?

Java is an Object Oriented language not a procedural language

Does Visual Java plus plus and Java Builder is different from the Java language?

Yes!Visual Java plus plus and Java Builder is different from the Java language?

Why you are preferring java?

java is platform independent language and open source. java is object oriented language.

Why you learn java language?

java language moreover solve the problems witch is encounter in c and c++ that s why we use the java language...

Which type of language is java?

Java is truly object oriented programming language

Gather and Summarize reasons why Java must be studied and used?

Java is a programming language that has a lot of advantages to learn and use. Firstly, it is easy to learn. Then it has powerful development tools such as eclipse and netbeans. It is free to download. It ensures safety and security of Java applications.

Is java DBMS?

no, Java is not dbms.. Java is a programming language Dbms is database

How do you get sun certified java professional?

Java is a very powerful language and is being used by many programmers around the world (including me) to develop enterprise applications. The base of the whole J2EE Universe is plain old Java. Java is one of the most powerful object oriented programming languages ever created (Though some people using other languages might disagree) With so many people who know java available in the job market, an employer would like to know how knowledgeable his prospective employee is in the language. In such cases a certification from the company that created the language would be very useful indeed. Sun Certified Java Programmer or SCJP is the most fundamental certification for Java Programmers. You can take this exam in any of the prometric centers around the globe.

What are java applications?

Applications that are built using the Java language are termed as Java applications.

What programming language are java applets written in?

Java applets are written in the Java programming language. Java is considered to be one of the oldest and most commonly used programming languages in the world.

What is a Java programmer?

A computer programmer who uses the Java language.

Is check a keyword in java?

No, 'check' is not a keyword in java language.