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//Script by aakash30jan

<script type="text/vbscript">

For count = 1 to 10


document.write("<br />" & sum)



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9y ago

The sum of the first n natural numbers is a recursive function such that f(n) is f(n-1)+n for all values n >1 where f(1) is 1. Although the function is naturally recursive, an iterative implementation would prove more efficient:

Function sum_naturals(ByVal num As UInteger) As UInteger

sum_naturals = 0

While (num > 0)

sum_naturals = sum_naturals + num

num = num - 1

End While

End Function

Sub Main()

Console.Write("The sum of all naturals 1 to 42 is: ")


End Sub

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11y ago

You never specified what do you mean by 'n' numbers.

to get a sum of two numbers, assign both to value

(ex: dim num1 as integer = textbox1.text

dim num2 as integer = textbox2.text )

or another example:

dim num1 as integer = 2398

dim num2 as integer = 2989

now write:

label1.text = num1 + num2

for the output (answer) to appear on label1

to make it appear in a msgbox do

msgbox(num1 + num2)


dim num3 as integer = num1 + num2


and for a more good looking way:

msgbox( "the answer is: " & num3)

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