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A fluid's resistance to flow is called its viscosity.

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Q: A fluid resistance to flow is called?
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A fluid resistance to flow?

Viscosity is the fluid property that measures its resistance to flow. It determines how easily a fluid can deform and flow. Fluids with high viscosity, like honey, flow more slowly than fluids with low viscosity, like water.

What is the resistance of a liquid's flow called?

The resistance of a liquid's flow is called viscosity. It is a measure of the fluid's resistance to deform or flow. Materials with high viscosity flow more slowly, while those with low viscosity flow more easily.

Is it true that condensation is the resistance of a fluid to flow?

No, condensation refers to the process of a gas changing into a liquid state. The resistance of a fluid to flow is typically referred to as viscosity. Viscosity is a measure of a fluid's resistance to deformation or flow.

What is the viscosity of a fluid?

resistance to fluid flow.

What is the degree to which a substance resists flow known as?

For resistance to electrical flow, the term is specific resistance of a substance.The resistance of a fluid (gas, liquid) to flowing is called its viscosity, referred to colloquially as its thickness.

What is the measure of resistance to the flow of fluid?

The measure of resistance to the flow of fluid is called viscosity. Viscosity is a measure of a fluid's internal friction or resistance to flow as a result of its molecular makeup and can be influenced by factors such as temperature and pressure.

What is the term used to describe the resistance of flow in a fluid?

Viscosity is the term used to describe the resistance of flow in a fluid. It is a measure of a fluid's internal friction and determines how easily the fluid flows.

The resistance of a fluid to flow is referred to as?


Does resistance to electrical current flow have the same meaning as resistance to fluid flow?

no, a better analog is reactance

Viscosity is a fluids resistance to?

Viscosity is a fluid's resistance to flow. It is a measure of the fluid's internal friction and is influenced by the fluid's composition and temperature. Fluids with high viscosity flow more slowly than fluids with low viscosity.

What is The property of a fluid that describes its resistance to flow is?

The property of a fluid that describes its resistance to flow is viscosity. It is a measure of the internal friction of a fluid as it moves and determines how easily the fluid can flow. Fluids with high viscosity are thicker and flow more slowly, while fluids with low viscosity are thinner and flow more easily.

What is the difference between viscous and non viscous fluid flow?

Viscous fluid flow occurs when a fluid's viscosity causes resistance to flow, leading to the formation of layers within the fluid. Non-viscous fluid flow, on the other hand, involves a fluid that flows without resistance or layering, typically with low viscosity.