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It will run slower because the resistance in series with the motor will take some of the voltage and thereby reduce the current to the armature windings (less magnetic field).

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Q: A 220volts series motor takes 15amperes and runs at 700rpm the armature resistance of the series winding is 0.8 ohms at what speed will it run if resistance is connected in series with supply voltage?
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Why dc shunt generator does not have armature resistance?

It does have armature resistance.

Why armature resistance is less than 1 Ohm?

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Why armature winding resistance is less than field winding resistance?

An 'armature winding' is the rotor winding, and the 'field winding' is the stator winding.

If A generator has an armature resistance of 0.6 ohms and when connected to a load of 40.9 ohms passes a current of 3.5 A what is the terminal voltage and generated EMF?

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Are the interpoles in a DC motor connected in series or in parallel with the armature?

Hi, Always interpoles are connected in series with armature. N.V.B.V. Prasada Rao

What does a armature or rotor do?

The Armature(or rotor) is a electromagnet inside a motor and alters the magnetic field inside the motor when it rotates. In DC motors it is connected to a Commutator. In AC induction motors the armature isn't connected to a power source.

In DC motor is the armature plus brushes resistance substantially the same for every rotational position of the armature?


How do you measure armature resistance practically?

by using measuring meter

What is shunt current and a armature current?

The terms 'shunt' and 'armature' apply to a particular type of d.c. motor, in which the field windings are connected in parallel with the armature windings. 'Shunt' is an archaic term for 'parallel', so the term 'shunt', in this context, means that the field winding is connected in parallel with the armature winding. The terms 'shunt current' and 'armature current', then describe the currents flowing in the shunt winding and armature winding, respectively.

Why motor has large winding in shunt resistance than armature resistance?

A motor with large windings will have greater shunt resistance than armature resistance due to the sheer amount of copper wire it must travel through. The gauge of the wire also plays a part in this process.

If you connected the test leads of an ohmmeter to the brushes of a DC electric motor what reading would you read?

If you connect the test leads to the brushes of a DC electric motor, you would typically measure the resistance across the armature circuit. This reading can help you determine the condition of the armature winding, the brushes, and the connections.

Why armature resistance is maximun in motors?

avoid high stating currents