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Q: 10 positive facts about a steam engine?
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How do you take steam on face?

You hydrate the face for 10 min with a steam machine, you will need to put eye pad and lip balm to protect the face.

How much did the steam locomotive cost?

It generally costed 10 to 12 dollars

When and why were steam trains first invented?

Although James Watt is most strongly associated with the invention of the steam engine as an engine, interestingly, the first engine was patented by Thomas Savery in 1698. James Watt, a Scotsman, improved on the design of the steam engine in the second half of the 18th century, so that it could power the industrial revolution and eventually locomotive travel.The man who first put steam engines on rails was Richard Trevithick, who built a 'Pennydarren tram road engine' for a line in South Wales, UK, to replace horses that had been pulling the wagons.In 1804, Trevithick's engine succeeded in pulling 10 tons of iron and 70 men to a distance of nearly 10 miles from Pennydarren near the industrial town of Merthyr Tydfil, at a speed of 5 miles per hour. Recognition eluded Trevithick in his lifetime, and his engines were seen as just a novelty. However, others developed the idea, and by 1845, Britain was covered by 2440 miles of railways, carrying 30 million passengersThe prime point of the steam locomotive was to carry natural resources such as iron and coal... and also passengers.Richard Trevithick (13 April 1771 - 22 April 1833) a British inventor, built the first full-scale working railway Steam Locomotive. On 21 February 1804 the world's first railway journey took place as Trevithick's unnamed steam locomotive hauled a train along the tramway of the Pennydarren ironworks, near Merthyr Tydvil in Wales, Great Britain.George Stephenson (9 June 1781 - 12 August 1848) a British civil engineer and mechanical engineer who built the first public railway line in the world to use steam locomotives and is known as the "Father of Railways".So, Trevithick invented the first train, Stephenson the first public railway line and the original Steam locomotive was invented and patented by James Watt in 1784, following many years of his work in improving steam engines in general.**Early prototypes of Locomotive were built such as Scottish Inventor William Murdoch 1784.

Why is heat trasnfer coefficient of saturated steam is higher than superheated steam?

when steam is at its saturation point for a given pressure, any heat removed will cause liquid water to form. So when saturated steam is used to heat something else, the heated object/substance receives the condensation heat of the steam. The latent heat of condensation/evaporation is 970 But/lb @ 0 psig. On the other, superheated steam only gives up about 10 BTU/lb if it is cooled 20 degrees F. That means that much more steam would be used to transfer the equivalent amount of heat. The liquid water interface also improves the heat transfer.

How much did steam locomotives cost?

During the Civil War in the United States a standard 4-4-0 steam locomotive would have cost between $10-12,000 . Of course this is when a soldier in the Union army made less than $15 an month.

Related questions

What was the horsepower of the 1st steam engine?

The first steam engine was Hero's turbine, it is unknown what the horsepower output of it was. It was used as an item of curiosity, and did no real work. The first practical (useful) steam engine was the Newcomen pumping engine, used to pump water out of mines, it was an improvement over Savery's pump (which did use steam but not an engine) in that it more efficiently made use of the steam, it is estimated that the work output of this engine would have been about 10 to 30 horsepower. The engine used the vacuum created by condensing the steam to drive it. The Boulton-Watt engine was the first practical engine that used the power of the expansion of steam to drive the piston, in both directions, thus improving the efficiency of the engine. The horsepower of this engine was about 10 to 45 BHP (brake horsepower).

What was the first steam engine?

Hero (or Heron) of Alexandria(Greek:Ήρων ο Αλεξανδρεύς) (c. 10

When you get steam battery and sully's key what order do the steam paths go in on steamworks island?

The steam pressure coming in is "10", and the steam pressure that needs to come out is "5". So create a path where the connectors total "minus 5". Similarly, on the drawbridge, you will need to go through mostly "positive" connectors, so that the net gain is +6 (from 10 input to 16 output).

I have Gmod on steam but how do you get Gmod 10 on steam?

Gmod 10 is a pay game. It can be purchased from the Steam store at It costs $10

How do you reset the check engine light on a 2001 Dodge Dakota?

disconnect the positive battery cable for about 10 minutes

What is the steam temperature at 10 PSI?

The steam temperature at 10 PSI is approximately 239 degrees Fahrenheit.

Will there be a garrys mod 10?

There is, 10$ Steam

How did first car move?

The first cars were driven by steam. The internal combustion engine superseded the steam engine as it was more efficient.

Who invented the steam engine?

The first person to harness the power of steam was the Greek scientist Heron of Alexandria in the first century A.D. He developed several devices that were operated by water, steam, or compressed air, including a fountain, a fire engine, and the steam engine. The "steam engines" in use in the 18th century were not strictly steam engines - the weight of a large rocking beam or pump rod pulled a close-fitting piston along a cylinder, drawing in steam from a boiler. The operator closed a valve to shut off the steam, and opened a valve or tap to let cold water into the cylinder, condensing the steam and creating a partial vacuum. The pressure of the outside air then pushed the piston back into the cylinder. This type of engine is known as an atmospheric or condensing engine - the steam played no direct part in transmitting power to the beam or pump rod. This type of engine was significantly improved in 1712 by Englishman Thomas Newcomen (1663-1729), who built a machine that was used to pump water out of tin mines in Cornwall. The Scottish inventor James Watt (1736-1819) realised that most of the heat used to make the steam was being wasted in heating and re-heating the iron cylinder and piston. He invented a separate condenser, which was a sealed container connected to the cylinder by a pipe. After the piston had drawn steam into the cylinder, water was sprayed into the condenser rather than the cylinder, so the engine worked as before, but the cylinder and piston remained hot. He patented this and several other improvements, and patented (received exclusive rights to make, use, and sell) his own engine in 1769. The engine was very successful because it used as little as a quarter of the wood or expensive coal to produce the same amount of work as Newcomen's engine. He is usually considered to be the father of the steam engine, although he thought the use of high-pressure steam (as used in later engines) to be dangerous, as in fact it tended to be, with the relatively crude cast-iron engineering of the time. The inventor of what we consider today to be a "steam engine", that is an engine where the pressure of the steam pushes the piston and does the work, was the mining engineer Richard Trevithick (1771 - 1833). A major advantage of his high-pressure engine was that it operated at a much higher speed than the older condensing engine. This made steam-powered vehicles a reality, and he went on to build a steam-powered carriage, and later in 1804 his steam locomotive became the first in the world to pull a heavy load - over a distance of almost 10 miles. There have been many contributors to the invention of the steam engine and making the steam engine important during the industrial revolution.

Garrys mod 10?

10$ through Steam

Where is the starter on a 96 Chevy s-10?

You didn't say what engine you have but, if you follow the positive battery cable from the battery it will lead you to the starter.

What is better garrys mod 9 or 10?

10 is better, $10 Steam