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Q: Will a clawed frog eat a spotted puffer fish?
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Related questions

Is an Albino Clawed Frog a fish?

No. It's an amphibian.

What are suitable tank mates for a clawed frog?

Suitable tank mates for a clawed frog include peaceful fish like guppies, mollies, and neon tetras, as well as snails and shrimp. Avoid aggressive or fin-nipping fish that may harm the frog.

When was Cameroon clawed frog created?

Cameroon clawed frog was created in 1982.

When was African clawed frog created?

African clawed frog was created in 1802.

What is an African clawed frog?

An African clawed frog is a species of frog, Latin name Xenopus laevis, with interesting genetic properties.

Can you hold a clawed frog?

Yes. Clawed frogs do have claws, but they won't hurt you.

Is a jelly bean frog an African clawed frog?

I don't think they are because I had one African clawed frog and bought two jelly beans.One of the jelly beans grew to be as big as my African clawed and the other grew very little.

Who are predators for African clawed frog?

people sometimes eat African clawed frogs

Are African clawed frogs endangered?

there are 20 spp. of Xenopus (african clawed frogs). Xenopus laevis (Common Clawed frog)is the most common and usually what is refereed to as the African clawed frog even though its only 1 spp. of clawed frog. This spp has been widely used as a research model as well as pet trade. Although most African Clawed frogs in the wild can be seen as at risk of endangerment, due to the fact that they are very region specific and limited to a small range, I believe only X.gilli (Cape Clawed frog) is officially endangered.

What is a jelly bean frog?

A Jelly Bean Frog is an Albino African Clawed Frog that has been dyed.

What biome does the African clawed frog live in?


When was Western Spotted Frog created?

Western Spotted Frog was created in 1941.