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Because they are being hunted by humans :(

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Q: Why white tiger are in danger?
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How does a tiger avoid danger?

the white tiger avoids danger with it's sharp teeth and markings.

Is a white tiger a endangered animal?

Yes, but all animals are in danger

What do tiger sharks do when faced with danger?

They hide . But they somtimes defend themselves . Like a tiger vs great white =O-O

What is the cause of the White Tiger's endangerment?

The White Tiger is a color variant of the Bengal tiger, not a separate type of tiger. They are rare in the wild, but all tigers face the same pressure from human activity that has reduced their habitat and placed them in danger of extinction.

How many miles per hour can a white tiger run?

A white tiger can run at speeds of up to 30-40 miles per hour in short bursts. They are powerful sprinters and capable of quickly chasing down prey or escaping danger.

Is the tiger in danger?

All tiger races are endangered.

Is the white tiger species in danger of being extinct?

yes I'm pretty sure that their in danger of becoming extinct :( but there are a few ways we could help them survive and not becoming extinct

What do you call a white tiger?

a white tiger

How is the White tiger different from the normal tiger?

They aren't different the White Bengal Tiger is just white and the Bengal Tiger is orange.

What eats the white tiger?

A white tiger is a teritory consumer so no animal eats white tiger.

Information about animals in danger of extintion?

giant pandas Bengal tiger white rhino polar bear great apes elephants marine turtles

What is the tiger symbolic of in the bible?
