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There are those who believe that 4.9mm comb is more natural and helps bees combat Varroa mite infestation levels. Most comb is 5.4mm. Recent research has scientifically disputed the claim that 4.9mm is advantageous.

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Q: Why should all Beekeepers use small comb foundation if they use foundation at all?
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What is the square wooden box which beekeepers use to house bees?

The square wooden box which beekeepers use to house bees is known as a super. The super can hold ten frames of comb.

What happens to honeycombs after the bees?

After the bees have consumed the honey and sealed the combs with beeswax, beekeepers can harvest the honeycomb by removing it from the hive. The bees will then start to rebuild the honeycomb structure to store more honey.

What is a comb frame in beekeeping?

The comb in a hive is a group of hexagonal cells, the honeybees use those sectors to store honey, plant nectar, and things like that. When it comes to beehives, the sectors of the comb also stand out as nurseries where the honeybees raise their children

How should you comb your afro?

Comb you hair when it's wet or moist or damp and conditioned, and go in small sections from whichever direction you prefer.

How do they take honey out of a beehive?

If the bees are kept in a hive, they build their comb onto frames and fill the comb with honey. An extractor is used to get the honey out of the comb. An extractor spins the frames and forces the honey out of the comb and against the walls of the extractor. It can then be filtered and eaten. They also use harmless smoke on the bees so they stay out of the way and don't sting the beekeepers.

How does a comb pick up tissue?

When you run a comb through your hair, static electricity can build up on the comb due to friction. This static electricity can attract small, light objects like tissue paper, causing them to stick to the comb.

What do you use to get dead hairs off horses?

You should use a curry comb. It is a rubber brush with small teeth on it.

How would you demonstrate static electricity with plastic comb dry hair pieces of paper?

To demonstrate static electricity with a plastic comb and dry hair, first rub the comb against the dry hair to create a static charge. Then, bring the charged comb close to small pieces of paper. The paper bits should be attracted to the comb due to the static charge, showcasing the effects of static electricity.

How to defuzz cashmere?

To get the fuzz off of cashmere, you can shave the fuzz with a disposable razor. You can also comb it with a small comb.

How long should you use a curry comb on a horse?

you should use a curry comb on a horse for up to 6 minutes.

Why should you have and use your own comb?

using of your comb will prevent the chances of getting dandruff.

Does Shane comb need to wear a bra?

No, Shane comb does NOT need to wear a bra because her breasts are too small.