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Most animals are endangered because humans are moving into the areas where they live (by cutting down forests, or by mining, or farming, etc) and because there is less area for the animals to live in they die. Some other reasons are pollution poisons them, or overhunting kills them.

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13y ago

Land animals are in danger because humans are destroying their natural habitats or hunting them all.

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Because u are dum

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Q: Why is there animals in dangered?
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What animals can not be hunted in the UK?

Some animals that cannot be hunted in the UK include domesticated animals such as dogs and cats, endangered species, and certain bird species protected under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981. Additionally, it is illegal to hunt animals using certain methods, such as using poison or certain types of traps.

Are rhinos in dangered animals?

Yes, Poachers kill them for horns.

Is the toucan in dangered or rare?

endangered is the answer rare is not the word to say for animals i hope this helped

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No cobra's are not in danger. Cobras are very interesting animals and I would highly hate it if Cobras were in dangered animals.

In what domain are animals in?

It varies from endangered to non dangered species depending on the context and animal type.

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It depends on if they are in dangered or not. If they are in dangered then yes.

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I will answer after you learn the correct spelling of your question "in dangered" what the heck does that mean?

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What prefix does dangered need in this sentence the irate perpetrator dangered the innocent bystanders when he exceeded the speed limit?
